Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

That is partially how they do it. The other part is queue dropping and repeating till they get what they want. The 2019 comment makes no sense given the no raid rulling. The whole point of 1 2 3 click is to get more than 5 people in and that goes against previous statements and the limit in place.

Nothing has been said about queue timing and repeat drops. So that method, which is what they do, is not cleared.

I used to drop in and play some randome battlegrounds when I was bored or wanted to collect some transmogs. I just realized I haven’t done a single battleground in years because at some point they became so one sided with premades.

They stopped being a way to casually pop in play pvp. There is nowhere to go for that anymore. I’m sure this greatly reduces player participation.


It has dramatically.

  • More players are forced todo premades if they want to grind honor in regular bgs.
  • Lots of players have quit doing bgs which has concentrated the premades.
  • The introduction of communities made doing premades more accessible.

I have always done bgs to warm up for arena or just to have fun. That’s been largely taken away.

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I do think the deserter buff needs to be adjusted. To lets say, making it account wide, as well as making it through the entire match, and not just from start to middle of the match.

Like, as much as I hate the deserter buff, yeah, getting kicked out of random dungeons just for being OCE, but that isn’t relevant, but the main purpose was to deter people away from just leaving any instance and just requeuing again.

EDIT: Oh wait, dropping queues. Yeah, thing is though, there is no way to tell on who is dropping the queues, or let alone, the reason either. But maybe a small debuff might be a possible solution, but I am not sure on what would be the full fix.

That would work.

Just start it at a minute, stack it the more it happens and make it account wide.

If people have to drop queues to get placed into the same queue/instance, then it’s not working as intended.

Unless you think it’s the intention of Blizzard to have people drop queues all the time, which would a really dumb way of designing something lol

If you have to make a bunch of caveats for a system to justify its existence, then it doesn’t seem like a very good system lol

It’s not my system, I didn’t design it, I just work within it.

If they didn’t want people to be able to drop their queues, they’d remove the button like they did for BGB and RSS.

Right, but you are the one saying it’s working as intended.

I’m telling you it isn’t and, if it is, then that’s a really dumb system that we shouldn’t be attempting to justify.

I mean, it could, but it may actually not either. Adding a debuff to the queuing could deter people to not queue for group content too, which could be a problem.

Because none of those people work for Blizzard. The only blue text I’ve seen says it’s working as intended. Maybe that will change, maybe it won’t. Probably it won’t, though.

Please, please show me the blue post that states this convoluted, backwards system is working as intended so that I can laugh at Blizzard for being so remarkably stupid lol

That is not how want works. I don’t want anyone to break into my house. I have locks on the doors…I don’t have about a hundred other things I could do to stop people getting in other ways. That doesn’t mean I want someone to break into my house. Your logic is wrong.

If they wanted people to queue as a raid of any form they would not have turned that off after having it available.

Your whole idea is predicated on the thought that they want people to 1 2 3 click, then drop queue to get around their limitation. That doesn’t make sense.

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Luckily, no one is queuing as a raid.

I mean… it’s been posted in this very thread at least a dozen times. If you haven’t read it at this point, the only two conclusions I can come to are that you either won’t read it, or you can’t read it. Posting it again won’t change that.

Oh. That post.

Hey dude, not sure if you’ve actually read the post yourself, but at no point does Blizzard state “this system is working as intended.” They only state “We won’t do anything about this.”

Which is still dumb as hell of them to say, but not at all them acknowledging that the system is working as intended lol


There were no premades like you describe from the last few expacs to current day in TBC. We still used the battlegroup system back then. Source: Hand of A’dal raider and bg/arena pvper during TBC.
Played on the Bloodlust battlegroup myself back when it was a thing. I never remember seeing a single group doing que dodging to get a full group into a single bg back then.

Yeah…because Blizzard turned it off! Now they queue as 5 mans and use queue drop tricks combined with 1 2 3 click to get around the limitations Blizzard set forth…to EFFECTIVELY queue as a raid. That is literally the whole point of this thread.

They never said it is working as intended. They in fact did say they will continue to work to make bgs better with less lopsided battles…and then totally stopped doing that.

Both of which are allowed. No rule is being broken.

No, the point of this thread is to complain about the rules that aren’t being broken.

Doesn’t mean it should be and while 1 2 3 is expressly allowed, queue drop tricks have never been commented on.

You are not even arguing at this point, just making statements with no substance in them.

Even if these were allowed…they are bad for the game and we think this shouldn’t be allowed. Offer arguments for why premades roflstomping make the game better instead of pedantic lawyer arguments about what’s allowed or not. None of this is good for the game, and that is what is important.