Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

No one is circumventing a system. The system was obviously designed to do what it does.

Otherwise Blizzard would have changed the rules when they designed the system.

If the system was designed to do what you think it does, then Blizzard would just allow people to queue up premades without having to synchronize their queueing.

Not sure what part of that you seem to not understand here lol

Nah, I think they just attempted to appease the solo players.

The system places multiple groups into the same instance, it does this with such regularity that it is clearly designed to do it.

Add that they have a rule where:

The system was designed in 2015, they had at least 4 years to change the rule. I wonder why they haven’t.


Except it doesn’t, hence the several times people have pointed out entering a random where one team is suddenly half empty because the group dropped.

So, not that regularly it seems like lol


I know what Blizzard has stated.

I also think what they’ve stated is in contradiction to what they’ve explicitly stated about premades and why they’ve taken action on them in the past.

All you’re doing when you link that quote is demonstrating Blizzard’s inconsistency lol

You realize that if half a team is empty, because everyone in a community dropped their queue, that means that at least 4 of their groups popped at the same time, yeah?

The fact that they dropped their queue does not mean that the system is not placing groups together into the same instance.

What do you mean

If someone leaves a random, it very much means they aren’t being placed together into the same instance

Like, do I need to break it down in elementary terms or…?

The system places the groups into the same instance and the players decide against it.

In the community games that I’ve played in, if 4 groups popped, we’d accept the queue.

In a lot of them, that’s all the groups. It’s quite rare to have 40 people queuing together at the same time.

Was years ago and I’m well aware that the game and the mods here are different… but it was in respect to the addition of the Deserter debuff.

At the time, there were lots of players doing carries in 2s for quick gold and conquest caps. To do this, they would join games and instantly leave them. They would do this over and over until they hit 0 mmr/cr. This massively deflated 2s and completely ruined 2s for anything sub 1800. I made post outlining the issue and got a blue response. Within a week a change was made. This resulted in 100’s of angry messages, mostly from players exploiting the game for easy gold, but also players that used it to cap conquest by farming new or under geared players.

You have been trolling this thread from the beginning.

Sore loser of what? Do you expect me to win against a premade? lol…

I just want to enjoy the game in the time I have. Players like you want to ruin that time. Losing 10-20 minutes or more in an evening when I’m busy sucks. So here we are.

As I have said and will continue to say, there are things in this game that weren’t against the rules but were eventually changed because of player outcry. Clearly this goes against the spirit of the CoC.


Cutting edge? You’re attacking players in a PvP thread about PvP. You haven’t even managed to get duelist and your 2300xp is from… 12 years ago? What? Stop attacking people. You’re not good enough to be attacking anyone.

You can report me all day. It’s not going todo anything. I’m not trolling my own threads by defending players who are having their game ruined.

Queuing as raids was removed. It’s not complicated. If they wanted this to be a thing, they wouldn’t have removed that option.

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No, you don’t get it. Because the system occasionally puts people into the same instance, that means it’s working as intended.

The astronomical reaches of logic here are actually unprecedented lol

It’s not occasional. It’s predictable and regular.

If that were even a fraction true, then people wouldn’t be dropping queues all the time lol


Yea, it’s nuts.

The blue post is basically acknowledging that people can queue into others. Way back in the day you could try to queue up against a friend if you saw them on. This is a far cry from green lighting 8 groups of 5 completely stacking a BG. To that, most of these mods don’t even understand the problem at hand.

So that’s why people drop queues or active matches?

Over and over… if they intended it, they wouldn’t have removed queues for raids.

As I’ve said previously, I can’t speak for how other communities operate but in the vast majority of the games I’ve played, we accept the queues that we get. I queue to play games, not to play queue simulator.

Then why are you presuming it’s working as intended when several other people are telling you the opposite?

Because, in my experience, most queues that I’ve been in, there are multiple groups that pop at once.

The system is doing that which it was designed to do.

If other communities are dropping their queues, that does not mean that the system is not placing them together.

All it means is that they aren’t all being placed together, and they’re trying to get all their groups into the same instance.

Which, as I have said, I dislike, so I don’t generally run with those communities.

And I have the opinion that communities which do that regularly face the risk of losing members, since most players queue for games, not for the queue simulator.


Which means it’s not working as intended, then.

Like, am I not making sense here? Have I not explained this very well?

Working as intended means it’s 100% always reliable and that you don’t ever have to do anything that would exploit (keyword exploit) the system.

So yeah, if it’s 100% working all the time, then you might have a point.

But it’s not, so clearly it’s not the intended way of doing it.

Only in your world, I think.

When I say working as intended, the system is placing multiple groups together as it was clearly designed to do.

It doesn’t know which 5 man groups are part of the same community and there are often multiple communities queuing at the same time.

How is it the fault of the system if players decide to drop their queues?

It wasn’t designed todo that. That implies their was intentionality. The system isn’t actively trying to place groups together. It’s trying to fill games with whatever is in the queue.

Then it wouldn’t do it. But it does. With predictable regularity.

That isn’t how this works. It’s not how things are coded. The system is designed to fill BGs. That’s it. It’s not intentionally placing groups together anymore than it intentionally puts solo players together. It’s first come, first serve.