Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

It’s nothing if that sort.

He’s mad people are in voice in premade groups and counting down to Que at the same time.

Even though a 2019 post clearly states it’s accepted and not breaking the rules.

This is just a “no u” argument but with extra words

Oh? You despise me for highlighting issues where players are abusing the game. Solid response.

Griefing is griefing.

The point of PvP isn’t to stack one side so you can get easy wins.

Sorry, you must think cheating is a good thing for games.

You’re actively defending it.

Far more people are agreeing with me.

Sorry that’s difficult for you to see.

You continue to attack players on the basis of skill and you lack it.

I have made threads that have been actioned on before and had real in game changes happen. Funny enough it wasn’t too far off of this issue.

Such as?

I mean, if you want to know why Blizzard allows for manual sync-queuing, because they don’t have a way to fully track this sort of thing. Because a lot of people are going to group up for any content, and the only way they can change it, is they remove grouping from random battlegrounds, which is highly unlikely ever going to happen.

A trick that you can do is ignore the player or players that are doing it, because then it means you won’t be grouped up for, or against, in the future too.

Let me post the gif argument then!


Adroi has only presented feelings. Multiple
Blue posts have been linked showing him to be wrong.

He’s just trolling at this point.

OK, but the penalty should be account wide if you make it into whatever pvp you are doing and you decide to leave because you are fighting a pre-made.

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I don’t agree with any of them on their takes, but there is a clear difference between a disagreement and trolling. Need to take it down a notch.

I agree. The leaving instance debuff needs to be account wide, and be an hour long.

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Nope I think you’re making arguments based on feelings because you’re a sore loser and basically throwing a giant tantrum.

It’s not griefing. It’s called pvp. Just like Blizz won’t intervene in world pvp.

No sides are stacked. It’s 40v 40.

If people were exploiting and taking 40 people into WSG you would have a valid point.

40v40 in a bg isnt griefing.

Because it’s not against the rules.

That doesn’t mean anything.

If you said 10+10 = 500 and those people agreed it doesn’t make y’all correct.

Yeah because finishing in the top 1k on the tournament realm and cutting edge aren’t skill based.

Keep telling yourself whatever you need to cope.

The basis of their argument is feelings. They feel it’s an exploit even though they have been provided evidence it’s not.

On top of the threats to me alone he’s made.

He’s definitely trolling.

We’ve been over this. Several times now lol

Read the thread, otherwise your opinion is worthless lmao

And the way you’re acting is not any better as well. If you feel they are violating the Forum Code of Conduct, just report. But acting the same way just puts you more in the wrong.

Take it down a notch.

And you arent correct on said opinion. Blue posts > Your opinion.

Been in the thread from the start. I have read the arguments.

Pro tip. They arent credible arguments.

I dont care enough to report them. Doesnt mean they arent trolling.

Yes, absolutely.

And it should be content agnostic, so no queues for anything, if you can’t be trusted to stay in the content you initially queued for.


umm… yes, it is.

automated ANYTHING is an exploit.

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I don’t think you have but okay, sweetie lol

Do me a favor.

Quote the rest of the paragraph lol

Good thing your opinion isnt worth anything to me.

Id trust Flint drinking water over you.


Not exactly the dunk you think it is, but okay lol

Except you’re wrong, because you aren’t the judge on what is an exploit or not.

Blizzard has defined it in this instance as using automation. Clearly they designed the queue system so that manual queueing multiple groups is not a bug, but a feature.

no need.

the rest of the paragraph is just babble.

the only relevant part, is automation = no.

beyond that, you don’t get to create definitions of what you believe automation is.

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If you think circumventing a system they put into place specifically because they didn’t want people bringing premades into randoms is a feature, then there’s actually no hope for reasoning with you lol

Okay, so you didn’t read it.

Got it lol

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