Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

ht tps:// BU5hR9gXE

For sure. It’s more about visibility than anything. While I’m ignoring some of the main trolls, the back and forth and keeping it alive might help get us somewhere. Maybe not, but worth trying. :slight_smile:

Sure dude.


That’s literally my whole schtick.

It’s ok Morton. We know you don’t play any content that matters.

Must really make you mad that you’re 100% wrong

Don’t tell me you’re bringing up past grievances from old threads now :rofl:

My man’s really desperate for these forum Ws. No wonder he inserted himself into this thread with no context whatsoever lol

The only one mad are players like you when other players speak up against these blatant abuses.

Players are having their game experience ruined and the best you can do is defend it? You’re not on the right side of this. You’re the bully.

Who aggro’d Snoz again.

I don’t think it’s getting any visibility, except from other players. Historically the Devs ignore these type of threads.

Nah it applies here.

You’re confused. I’m not mad at all. I’m not the one throwing a tantrum because they lost some BGs.

They lost a bg. If your gaming experience is ruined because you lost some BGs I suggest a non pvp game.


Dang. I already knew Snozay had excrement-level takes. I didn’t realize he had a reputation for it :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Taking it a little personal.

Not sorry you don’t play the game at any respectable level😂

yeah im crying on the dance floor rn

I seriously despise people like you.

No one is throwing a tantrum. Players are actively abusing the game and ruining it for others and this is how you respond? It’s pathetic. This game is for all of us and players like you are ruining it. It’s literally destroying the game.

Make it make sense.

If your gaming experience involves stacking a regular BG against random players, I suggest you do group content.

I get why these players don’t though. They don’t have the ability to actually go up against anyone with real ability. So instead, they have to organize against random players to feel good about themselves.

Sounds like you’re in that camp.

Thankfully you haven’t either.

Why don’t you tell Blizzard also you don’t care about what they think as well? Blizzard’s stance on Sync-Queuing is pretty clear:

It is allowed, as long as not using by anymeans of anyway to automate the queue.

Thread died down. Guess that means it’s time for these people to reenter and regurgitate the same talking points that have been repeatedly shut down.

Surely this will result in something different unlike before lol

Sweet. This thread is here to change that.

Clearly its being abused.

That’s ok The feelings mutual.

You have been this entire time.

Yiu can’t abuse something that’s been approved by blizzard.

Yep. You never would have survived MW 2 lobbies.

Ps the point of pvp is to beat your opponents. This isn’t hopscotch and there isn’t a mercy rule.

It doesn’t. Like I have already told you multiple times I don’t participate in those premade groups.

It sounds like you can’t fathom people disagreeing with you so when they do they “have” to be part of the premades.

It’s why you can’t argue any other point and it’s a joke when you repeat it because it just makes you look bad again.

I have Vanquisher title and CE :joy:

Insert “They had us in the first half, not gonna lie” meme.

You must be new to the forums. Look at every thread on the forums proposing any sort of change, and look at the game.

If there is something similar that is happening that happened when Blizzard broke the addon, then it needs to be reported to, including reporting any addon that you suspect is giving people a way of queue-syncing.

Reality called. They want you to come back to it.

The only talking points shut down are the OPs and everyone that doesn’t know what an exploit actually is.

Blue posts > sore losers feelings.