Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

Have link this several times. You will likely try to say that was only for Ashran or something, which makes no sense but that is par for the course.

Holinka has said it, then in the engadget article corroborated it by saying it is not what is intended

“You’ve made the assumption that all those things were accomplished expressly so that you could queue into battlegrounds as an organized group against disorganized opponents? That assumption is mistaken. If you want organized PvP against organized opponents, as you claim, that experience is readily available.”

The idea this is the game design and a good thing and fair is just completely illogical. It hurts the game, you are supporting an idea that hurts the game and exploits peoples time and fun.

Take a step back and figure out why you support that.

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