Premades are ruining random BGs

Hmm,so someone finally realize this,nice. But it’s useless to complain about it just like carries on raids and myhtics+ .


Premades are great! It means a bunch of people LIKE playing with each other!!

Each premade is capped at 5, but more than one premade can end up on the same side. I used to see that when I belonged to a community that did randoms. Our group never did queue sync, but it was not unusual to be put into a bg with another group of ours, with no premades on the other side.

The issue is that those farming graveyards in random bgs with multiple premades of overgeared players against noobs and undergeared players are rewarded for “playing with friends”, and their victims are supposed to find the experience so inspirational that they, too will want to turn into sociopathic bullies in the game.


That is, shrug, effort.

as horde I have faced a well known alliance premade organizer. they are a druid. their name begins with a Y.

I can’t name shame but it not be shaming. It be respect. I;ve played on their team. I’ve played against their team. I like their style either way. fighting against them in Ashran on horde is never the same crap for the 5000th time. I love that tbh.

anyway…we have beat them. many times. now its not easy. pvp…will happen even. for a long match.

which is fine. I actually like long hard fought matches. I came to pvp. not run honor per hour runs lol. in both games I came honor capped often. I go for the fights at some point.

and…this is where I see non premade lose it quickly. honor per hour is messed up…lose fast! no, you try.

see with that druid mentioned above I have been in their “premades” by random chance. and there is always a few going…

you aren’t my dad…and meaning it not as a joke.
I have been 2400 every season since wow started. who the hell is this dude telling me what to do.
and other intra personnel issues.

Work the fight, get that team infighting…that druid lead team can and has lost matches

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As someone who only enjoyed PvP in old school, all-day AV, I’m with you here.



It was called team speak and ventrillo

More than half the time its not a premade you just arent as good as you think you are

I think they are. Not sure but it makes big difference when you have 5 people working together

It’s a lot simpler to get a group together on Discord than setting up people on Teamspeak and Vent was.

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I’m starting to think pre-made an are starting to affect PvP!

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I think it’s more the queue system has trouble dealing with them leading to issues like sync premades. Just a lot more of them, it can be enough to shut down some under geared classes who queue at the wrong time on the wrong faction. You play a healer, I don’t know if you solo queue but I sure get tossed onto a lot of teams like they’re building around them rather than with them possibly due to inequities in the number queued on each faction.

That’s the rub for the solo queue, it’s not necessarily the power they represent though a lot seem to stack well geared and well classed the sync premaders are not used to people fighting back and most teams are just friends who don’t bring a healer so the system puts me with them :stuck_out_tongue: . It’s not so bad but my horde hpal is benched maybe permanently due to injuries sustained from a lack of defenisves.

Make Random Battlegrounds… random. That’s even easier.

Ive been in retail matches people are going its premade. they are playing too well!

umm, no. the team I was on couldn’t spell coordination if their life depended on it.

people ghosting caps (since it worked in last match, love that line…that was last match and your opponent team was luckily worse it seems).

all our 1500+'s are going for damage meter spam over being in key/clutch defence areas.

they keep taking that point! premade.

no…you keep leaving me or some other low gear to hold a spot to a glad rated druid. I die, they take it. we need a 1500+ or 2 back here to put their uber druid down.

If it’s a premade on the other side I just leave and requeue :man_shrugging:

Not really a “solution” to the problem, but on the personal level at least it offers some protection against getting dropped into a rigged/premade BG

I’d go for that, especially if they implemented ilevel matching, so players who far outclassed other didn’t give one team an unfair advantage. Like say, a difference of 10. Bring back the skill and not let gear dictate things.

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They are random. You get a random map every time you queue

It’s not a gear problem, everyone has access to 424 ilvl pvp gear equally. The problem is players not pressing buttons because they used to get away with it when the game was slower and now they’re dying

Zero excuse to not be 408-411 ilvl within a day or two of hitting 70

Where the game is unfair is with tier, which is definitely a steeper hill to climb and has drastically varying levels of importance for some specs (but sparks of life 421 gear can convert to tier and saving 1800 conquest from using a 421 weapon instead goes a long way)

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Talk about bad takes.

Yes communicate better than the premad in discord to your randoms you just met over instance chat. Thatll teach those premades somethin fierce!

Bruh, how dumb can you be to even say that as a counter argument? If anything that’s the exact reason people DONT want premades in a random bg; communication is one of the strongest things in battlegrounds. Dont even have to be all that great if you just death ball too.

Seriously, one of the dumbest takes Ive seen lmao.

Im not against premade bgs just to be clear too, I encourage it as random bgs are a toss up anyways.

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So you stopped playing epics in prime time ?

Only premades from Horde and Alliance in that time period . :joy:

I don’t mind pre-mades so much but in randoms some toons (WW I am looking at you) are just OP. While lvling an alt this week in the 50s bracket a single WW dominating for days. Roughly 10 times the dmg output of average. At least. No toon even close.

Yes I realize the game is not balanced around PvP minor brackets. But this makes no sense to me and would be easy to fix. BTW, I have a lvl 70 WW with gladiator gear at Ilvl 418. Fun to play for sure but dang lvling in PVP was definitely OPing.

There are several issues, mostly I’m finding you should farm dungeon gear in the lower part of the bracket before playing the upper. A lot of people turn their xp off to gear, they changed scaling. 61-69 isn’t so bad, in WQ and 310 crafted 63-66 I feel I’m one of the better geared players in the bracket but I tried 20s and Tess really isn’t viable without a lot of gear at this level. If a character like Tess isn’t geared well enough then I think most leveling players won’t be.