Premades are ruining random BGs

I know it has been said a million times but it’s getting ridiculous now. In the past 10 BG’s I’ve entered 8 of them were premades. Discord has turned premade BGs into something it never was years ago back before Discord was thought of. Random bg is no longer fun nor exciting because 80% of the time you are going against a try hard premade with the best gear, high ratings and group coordination. Premades should NOT be going against randoms, a premade should go against another premade point-blank period, regardless of how long the que is. If you want to premade then you face another premade, not faceroll a bunch of randoms looking to have fun.

How this has gone on for so long with blizzard not taking any action is both pathetic and sad. People aren’t even queuing random bgs anymore because of the premade dominance, they are either just doing solo shuffle or epic BGs, places where premades cannot enter and just faceroll everyone.


Aren’t premades capped at 5 people per queue?


I remember guilds forming premade battleground groups back in vanilla. Nothing new. Still not ruined. Join a premade. Solved.


hate to say this but sometimes but rarely
premades do fail

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I don’t see the big deal. It’s people grouping up to do content together. Why would they remove a feature of the game when its core value is multiplayer? They won’t.

They’d never make bgs only a solo thing.


Yes, but sometimes they wait and que with another premade at the same time so that they can have a full 10 man group. Even still with just 5 coordinated people it is unfair to the opposite team who are just queing with a bunch of random people. It has gotten absolutely crazy now. Just about every BG is a premade, premade, PREMADE. If you want to group up and do BGs then do rated BGs the place that was made for this.


Since when was this a classic forum


I shouldn’t have to join a premade to have fun in random BGs what a stupid ideology. Back in vanilla there were premades yes but it has gotten more and more popular because of discord. The only people who aren’t against premades are people who premade themself and just want to faceroll the opposite team because they know they are just a bunch of undergeared randoms.


So your argument is that random bgs are not made for groups to play together? Then why is there a specific “Queue as Group” button? Certainly seems like queuing for random bgs as a group is intended. Perhaps if you want to play in a mode that is exclusively for solo players, you should queue solo shuffle. Look, it’s right in the name.


I did see alot of premades last week in bgs all from tich. All the matches were over within a few mins.

If you want to que as a premade then you should face another premade. Isn’t that fair? You think a group of highly rated, best geared team with coordination is fair to go against a group of randoms who have no sort of group coordinance? Tell me you’re joking.


Suck less do better? the only reason why are doing better is because they can communicate with each other. So maybe communicate more? They have the exact same talents and gear opportunities as you. IT is not like being a premade gives them a mechanical advantage game wise.

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We did this with ventrillo too back in 2005.

In fact everyone trying to rank did it.


Suck less? So one person who is great in pvp can take down an entire premade who has complete control? It’s a bunch of random people vs highly grouped team. You’re a clown please come back with a better argument.


Random battlegrounds should be queue-in only, in my most humble opinion. Leave Rated games for premades, let everyone else actually have a good time.


I think he’s saying if you sucked less you’d be in a premade yourself.

No, you specifically said “If you want to group up and do BGs then do rated BGs the place that was made for this.” So you mean there is no place in randoms for grouping? Well, as evidenced by the “Queue as Group”, Blizzard disagrees with you (and has since Vanilla). Again, if you only want to play against other solo players, Blizzard created a mode exclusively for that…solo shuffle.

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I was there back in vanilla, it was never ever this bad. Like I said 85% of the BGs I enter are premades, it’s gotten to the point where people just see a premade and go AFK instantly. Tell me how is that fun?

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You shouldn’t be able to do BGs with your spouse or kids unless you are building a full rated group? Idk seems pretty dumb to me.


I’ve seen some horrible premades especially in Ashran. You can beat them.