Premades are ruining random BGs

one fully geared player can wipe out the entire opposing team tbf. had so much fun on my hunt in SL running in and wiping the whole team with double tap rapid fire.

So you think it is dumb to communicate with your fellow team mates… Got it. Good to know who the crap players are.

Deflecting blame I see. So the geared people should be on D and the lowbies do no damage?

case by case scenario. and BG by bg as well

when the other side’s uber geared rogue/druid is taking lm and unkillable by low gears you make choices.

no lm (or any point) and hope the pin to gy works.

or send in the geared that can handle it.

remembering that rogue or druid just has to just ghost the cap. leave lm, stroll down to farm/stable. flip that.

AB for me has a few strats as rogue/druid. one of them is keep matches to 3 cap or less for the other side. less points over time for them.

I don’t have to claim them proper. making sure other side gets no points for them works too. its like pool/billiards. Snookering works lol.

keep on leaving that fresh 80 in brutal to solo defend…don’t rant on losing matches the tl;dr.

Premades only edge here is the say 4 other people are accepting that the rogue /druid is not topping damage meters

they are killing a fresh 80 who is not many points on damage meter. but they deny a point. potentially of greater value to getting a win.

its pugs you catch crap for this. Mid masher meter maids see only big numbers on damage meters. I play objectives. to include denying them to the enemy.

It hasn’t been said a million times. You are 10000 posts short. But, I believe in you - keep posting.

So basically you don’t enjoy random in random battlegrounds. Go play solo shuffle if you don’t want to deal with the random part of random battlegrounds.

They already are random.

Friends should group…and play other clown premades. I’m all for clown on clown combat.

Keep casual casual. The clowns can have their own mode and bg’s.

I disagree, my guy. Premade bgs are the best aspect of pvp.

Just like premade raid groups, premades in bgs coordinate and get stuff done effectively and efficiently.

Hail Hydra

nvm…wrong post area

Yep, because this is an mmorpg where team-play is a majority focus of the game, especially endgame.

So people are clowns because they play with friends and you don’t have any friends to play with?

Random battlegrounds are casual, playing with friends doesn’t make them not casual.

You’re the first person I have ever seen talk bad about people who have friends and play with friends in a game with team focus. They aren’t the clowns here, champ.

It’s an MMO, playing with friends has to be part of that experience but I think they could certainly improve the match making algorithm and maybe do away with sync queuing to create premade teams >5. Make teams (and healers) factionless so they can be balanced. I think a lot of the issues now are faction imbalance related, at least in my experience. My poor horde hpal.

I know it sucks sometimes to go up against premades. As someone who does community premades it often sucks when we only get 5 people in against an ally 30 man, but most of us don’t get in discord. We often just have someone who takes charge and as a premade we listen. I hate that people don’t listen in full pug groups when I solo Q but thats exactly why we do it. Because as a mmo you expect cooperation to exist but so many toons q in and just sit in base and wait for the win or loss. They dont care. They don’t listen. They berate you for losing. We have fun cooperating and we have even more fun AGAINST another premade. Most communities I know of don’t have a gear requirement to join up. Some of the toxic ones do but that’s very few. We don’t tell each other how to play our class or have experience requirements. We just listen and communicate which is what MMO’s are all about. I’d love to have a premade only q option but even if they did that the groups that are solely there to farm to 0 and make the game actually suck will just all sync solo. So it doesnt matter what blizzard does premades will always be here. They always have been.

Many many years ago i remember loading into an AV as alliance and the horde was a premade of all hunters and rogues and druids. They made a line across the entire map while stealthed. The entire game they just picked us off. It was so crazy :crazy_face:

you can be in a chat program and tell a group to all press queue at the same time, your chances are high you end up in the same BG when it pops.

This has always been a thing, but when you’re solo it feels terrible.

You can do pve with your friends so that your not ruining solo pvpers experience in random bgs. The only place you will find regularly competitive bgs right now is bg blitz, which guess what, doesnt allow premades

The Que as Group button is limited to 5 people, the OP might be reluctant to allow even that since 5 good men can and will typically swing a Random BG game but I don’t think most people here would advocate for removing the 5 man Que as Group. The real issue is Que Syncing and encountering full 10 man Premade BGs nearly every game when the Weekly quest supports it but with a high and growing ratio regularly. Premade Epics are even worse at the moment. No one should be discouraging group play, Randoms are already group play. I can understand wanting to circumvent some game mechanics to play with your buddies but not at the expense of players.

I’m all for 5 man Group Ques but Que Syncing is actually causing damage to what should be the PvP community of tomorrow. The game mode was not intended to be used this way.

Edit: Holy smokes didn’t realize this post was from March of 2023, Update the problem has gotten much worse.

I hope you don’t mind of I leave this here, it is relevant to the topic and I’m hopeful it will help to keep this conversation alive so we can see some change.

The Pre-made Epic Battle ground situation is getting out of hand. ( This is also an issue for casual Random Battlegrounds as well.) For context, I've always loved Leading Epic Battle Grounds, and have always wanted a Premade/Rated option for Epics, although I can see why it isn't practical. TLDR: Pre-made epics are a growing problem, Every single Epic BG is untuned and no longer function as designed, can our Community Council do anything to address this issue?

For people just getting into the PvP scene casual Random Epic Battle Grounds are a great place to learn how to play and and in some cases are one of a players first interactions with PvP. Going against an 8 Healer 4 Tank Highly Coordinated Premade Epic and getting farmed for 40 minutes for honor, or getting Boss Zerged and finished in 3 minutes is a terrible way to get to know PvP. Half the team leaves after getting stomped in the initial go, nearly cementing the fate of those who stay. The PvP community has shrunk and is still shrinking and this is one of many cuts leading to it’s death.

Being experienced in leading Epics a Non-Premade Group with a strong leader can pull out a win over a Pre-made but this is an exception. Queing into a game against a Pre-made can essentially be a 30-50+ Minute time sink with a nearly guaranteed loss. Or a 3min Zerge loss. Allowing this to continue is immensely disrespectful towards the time of the players.

The presence of Pre-Made Epics resulted in the creation of more Pre-made Epics to increase the likelihood of victory, and the numbers are only going to keep going up to the point where if you want a shot at winning you’ll have to be in a Pre-made to win, if something isn’t done. It’s time for Blizzard to turn their eye to the things that are harming one of their End Game Pillars, and fix it.

Furthermore to people running these Pre-mades (I know a few of you) why bother? The weekly quest requires only 1500 Honor Earned in Epics, you can get that off a single well fought win or 1 win and a loss, is your time really so much more valuable than everyone else’s? If you’re conquest farming there are better ways and the weekly quests give plenty. I know one group that’s running Pre-mades as a community service to help people get wins BECAUSE THERE ARE SO MANY PREMADES.

Tuning - All Epic BGs need to be tuned and restored to their intended states.

Alterac Valley - I can Tank Vaandar Stormpike with 0 towers down in AV and get a fast enough kill to win on a Zerg. Most games regardless of Pre-mades are zerge to the end cap 2 towers and GY and Pull, this needs to be tuned.

Ashran - Backdooring is a piece of cake and the only reason we’re seeing less of it is because players have been forced to watch out for it, the game was never intended to be won by 4 players downing the boss, as fun as it is.

Isle of Conquest - Capping Hangar at the start is the best strategy for victory, it out performs Work Shop and Docks even when held together. There are many ways to pull out a win over this but again those are exceptions and if a rogue ninja caps Docks even once the chances of pulling out said win become very slim.

Wintergrasp - Defending team has a huge advantage and wins most games, perhaps reducing wall HP, and increasing tower HP could help? Giving defenders more time to wipe demos without getting ploughed. Perhaps reducing time needed to capture or recapture a Workshop for defenders?

I’m not going to pretend to have all the answers on how to fix this but some Pre-made Coordinators are running 3rd party addons to coordinate ques (these addons could be black listed). One Forum suggested allowing a 75% vote to end a game if they encounter a Pre-made to prevent getting farmed, I actually like this idea, could use some work. Even making Pre-made coordination a temporary bannable offense might be an option.
Various Communities (you know, the “Not Guilds”), and Discords are being used to assemble these Pre-mades, not sure what can be done about this.

Would anyone on the Community Council be willing to bring this issue to the table for discussion? Or perhaps anyone who knows a Council member bring this to their attention?

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Random implies solo queues. Every other aspect of Blizzard content is made for groups through raids, dungeons, group questing, rated bgs and arenas. You don’t have to own everything.

Thanks for contributing to the effort to encourage Blizz to take a hard look at what they’ve done to PvP. I addressed this issue and every other conceivable issue plaguing PvP currently in an organized manner in the hopes that it will function as somewhat of a road map to getting things fixed if Blizz can be convinced to take action.

If you get a chance we’d appreciate all the support we can get over on this thread, where I’ve put a lot of effort into this subject specifically. Likewise I would encourage everyone here to continue commenting on nearly every post that even has PvP in the title to keep this conversation at the forefront, even if it’s just a short comment for the sake of commenting, we gotta get this dealt with.