I guess that was also server dependent. On our server, Alliance outnumbered the Horde by about 50%.
Our Horde pvp guild ran bgs 24/7 and I would say that probably every other game for Alliance was against our guild. I saw plenty of the same people about every other match in Warsong or AB.
Our queues were almost instant but Alliance queues could be 30 minutes to an hour.
“gg its a premade”
that one guy in every BG who cant accept that hes just not that great.
It’s insane, they see a premade and immediately just throw in the towel and stop trying. I see why people don’t recommend random BGs anymore but it’s sad because random BGs were fun and exciting people loved doing them but now it’s just premade vs randoms and then the randoms either leave or afk.
sees 2 people from the same server
“gg premade”
team loses first fight
“gg premade”
someone dies first on your team
" gg premade"
when the other team wins
" Its because its premade lul"
when my team wins
“its cuz I carried them fair and square, im god pvp”
…you actually got into a random BG today? I randomly checked Discord a few minutes ago and apparently barely any BGs have been popping at all ![:joy: :joy:](https://d38bqls1q93fod.cloudfront.net/en/wow/images/emoji/twitter/joy.png?v=12)
I’m seeing stuff like “17 minutes”, “22 minutes”, “15 minutes”, “11 minutes and counting” in response to the question “how is your guys wait?”
Sounds like a rough day if what these guys are saying is true, because “17 minutes” for a regular/non-epic BG certainly sounds highly unusual
“I want to stop people from playing with each other in a game that is built around doing content with other people”
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Eh… the main gripe is almost always the “roflstomp” one-sidedness of pugs vs premade matches, which is a valid gripe. I don’t think people have any issues with a fair/balanced premade vs premade match (…since both sides are coordinated/no unfair advantage either way)
But in the case of pugs vs premade it’s obviously not a fair matchup from the start, it’s basically the equivalent of a teenage junior varsity team (pugs) being paired up against a team of professional NFL players (the premade)
Been a while, but it seemed like premades were pretty rare if I solo queued, but pretty common if I queued with a couple of people ( who were usually pretty casual )
The solo queued group make up was also pretty consistent with iLvl. Seems like every group has a bell curve distribution. 2-3 high iLvl, 2-3 low iLvl, rest in the middle.
Usually I would tend to a 60-70% win rate when queuing solo as alliance. I would say the biggest deciding factor to win loss, more than anything else, is how many people go with the flow of the group, and how many people run off on their own heroic journey.
When you have more people working with the group you do much better. Protecting your healers, attacking theirs. Sticking together for dominance through numbers.
It doesn’t matter if you could. Rarely all people in a BG will continue trying once they die 4 times in 2 minutes. I ranked to general in classic, and although I was in groups that beat premades, or at least stalemated so much they let us win to stop wasting time, it wasn’t common. Usually if you enter a BG against a premade the smarter thing is to just let them win so you can requeue. Sad, but it’s it what is best.
I made a post about this in BG forum only a week or two ago. WoW’s PVP has suffered chronically from poor sportsmanship. The majority of people think WoW PVP sucks because it is intended to suck. They let people lean so heavily into winning team joining for decades, and they are confused when it is permanently horrible for everyone except bots. They’re afraid of losing the bottom 1% most racist paladins, stop letting them bully your entire community in perpetuity.
It’s about timing the que. Got to hit it at the exact same time. As far as I’m concerned it should be considered an exploit.
all i know is alliance really love to pre-made epic bgs by getting in 30-40 well geared players/streamers in at the same time. i had thought blizzard mentioned it was against the rules to exploit queues of this size but i guess not considering how rampant it is.
Well before they used to allow full premades , 10 people, now its only 5 i believe
Premades wouldn’t be an issue if more people were doing random battlegrounds in general, but the moment you start talking about incentives and ways to revitalize the scene, it turns into an absolute cesspit. When I was Horde, it could take up to an hour to get all the queues to pop.
Unless Blizzard actually embraces the more grindy PvP styles, like many other MMORPGs - and games outside the genre have - it’s just going to get worse, especially as people grow more frustrated with the “win or get nothing” and “CR above all” mindsets while just wanting to kill the other faction in the faction v faction MMO. Because it is that simple; people do just want to kill the other guy - not everybody cares about CR, not everybody cares about arenas in particular, which are on life support, and rated BGs have not felt rewarding for years now.
So as they funnel people away from these modes, it’s die-hards left, just like how it is in arenas right now, and they do not like grouping with people who don’t know the absolute basics, and it gets tiring teaching people.
And it has nothing to do with gear; people were crying in Legion when templates existed about getting stomped. And people will cry premade just because they lost and saw a few people from the same mega server.
Also, spammed epics for like 4 hours with my gulid last night. Oh no, 5 man premade. We didn’t run into a single premade on either side the entire evening.
And it’s extremely rare for us to run into them in general. Maybe once or twice a week tops when we’re just doing our own thing.
Such a problem.
Really makes me feel like it’s just people who lose all the time crying they just lose in PvP, in a mode where losses actually don’t affect your overall progress, just slows you down lol.
Also this.
Literally nothing is stopping anybody from asking around, finding a like-minded community, and joining up with other people.
If people spent just as much time actually grouping and making connections as they did crying that people did this, they’d likely be seeing what WoW BG PvP can be rather than just “run to end of map and AFK while nobody bothers to backcap and actively avoids fighting because honor gain faster for loss anyways on Alliance”.
Which is literally a thing.
they don’t need to… just make groups with pre made fight groups with pre made
Its bg week, everyone and their moms use this week to farm honor levels or whatever else they’re after
Also almost no one queue syncs 10 people into a 10 man bg, that’s 40 man bg behaviour
And no, 10 people from the same server (tich, mg, illidan, sargeras, stormrage) doesn’t mean 10 man premade
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The only way blizz would ever even consider this would be if solo players stopped queing into bgs altogether. Sad but true.
It is an mmo, if change is mandated then it can’t be to remove the ability to group. The issues we’re facing need to be resolved through class balance, minimal gear gaps, and fixing the dang queue system. It’s been broken for so long.
Make all groups and healers factionless and place them alternately between factions so the sync premades fight each themselves. Focus teams against other teams more since you have all of them together and avoid using solo queue players to fill in gaps. It would allow people to keep their faction if it’s important to them and with merc could practically eliminate faction imbalance, sync queuing, and teams looking for an easy win against pugs which would make the casual player experience so much better.
In the current system I often feel like I’m part of a fodder class meant to serve as entertainment for other players in pvp. I don’t want to feel I have to either chase unfair advantage or fotm.
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Imagine having friends.
Imagine having friends and wanting to play with them.
Imagine having friends and running regular BG’s together.
This isn’t new. Pre-mades in regular BG’s have been a thing since the beginning.
Old news isn’t news.