Have you considered gittin’ gudder, submitter?
That’s a complaint.
“A statement that something is unsatisfactory.”
RBGs exist now specifically for rated/team content. Why not let hard premades die in queue content? Let noobs be noobs on their own, and let people who actually want to push do so elsewhere.
Meh, the issue doesn’t really concern me, if I’m pvp’ing I’m probably just going to join RBG YOLOs, hit my goal and tap out for the season.
BUT, when I have a really fresh alt I know to only ever touch my toes in Epics. Random 10v10s are a toxic wasteland of premades. Hairy scary.
I wanna know how they are doing full 10 man premade still
Just hit the queue button at the same time, make sure everyone gets a queue pop, and viola. You’re in with your friends (most of the time).
Why can’t teams be noobs or practice? Why should people be forced into rated bgs with their friends?
Just because they are a team doesn’t mean they are good.
Meh true I suppose, but isn’t that what low rating should potentially be for?
Would prolly all be less of an issue if MMR wasn’t so broken.
Make friends or enjoy the graveyard.
I don’t really want to “practice” in ranked play.
That’s not good for anyone.
I think its an issue with how pvp gear works. Five geared people even if just full honor will butcher players gaining honor gear.
It isn’t even a fight… they should simply set player ilv to 410 for random bgs. Would solve the issue.
Not always true.
Literally have a SS of me doing 26mil damage in a wsg and the next closest was at 12mil.
I had zero pvp gear.
Just do solo queue arenas - fast honor ,quick matches and lot more conquest
If you are gearing up join epic Bgs and WM objectives, also carry some shovels around
Not always true means near always true… i don’t care if you are a 2400 player. 5 geared people against a team with 1 is going to roll it.
I get your point but if they were to remove grouping with friends in bgs it would go against the very core of their game, and that is multiplayer.
What would be your solution if you could have it your way?
Again zero pvp gear. I had 1% vers.
End of the day the op is a 1750 player and blaming losses on premade while being alliance lol
Before discord there was ventrillo or teamspeak. So it’s been a thing even before then, even in classic there were premades.
I once joined a random bg that just happened to be AV in the winter, on the weekend (this was before you were born kids… when there were far less than 28 bgs) anyways- it was a long time ago. But even back then, premades were an issue and they did not have timers on bgs! So we load in I am at the gate in the cave and everone decides RH after blah blah blah. The horde normaly does the same thing and blah blah blah. In this random the horde consisted of all hunters and rogues with like 5 resto druids. They wiped us and had spread themselves across the entire width of the map and were stealthed. They held that line for the entire game and not a single person got through. Even stealthed…they just kept killing us
Less QQ moar Pew Pew
I mean I group with either 3-4 other people regularly but we dont sweat its casual bsing often times trying to kill one another. So should we be punished for just bsing with friends? An not be able to play with one another?
When you say highly rated geared premades its not really holding weight since I have the same gear as the arena 2k+ player. Unlike previous expacs with rank making large gear gaps.
At this point its a skill issue for people to get outplayed, 2nd most bgs even before discord where one sided stomps. Especially CTF graveyard farming,
Bgs getting swept are because people do the following
1: tunnel vision( we all do it)
2: not fighting for or at OBJ.
3: positioning an using spells correctly or mass overlap of stuns/cc.
4: people not understanding no road fighting.
Ya its frustrating but bgs are chaos by default.
10+ years ago cutthroat gaming was doing premade Alterac Valleys. 40 people all a premade group designing around graveyard camping for honorable kills.