Premades are ruining random BGs

I also said premades should be vs premades only can you read? There is nothing wrong with grouping with your friends to do some pvp, however you should NOT be going against a bunch of randoms who have never met each other and have no sort of coordination.

At first I thought the title said, “Pandas are ruining BG’s”, and I was like… wut? lol

Carry on.

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There’s a difference between queueing in with a friend or two, and bringing a 5man premade to sync queue. Pretty sure you realize this as well.

I remember pretty much always queuing in a premade on deathwing. I was a holy priest so I kinda had to.

We ran into a lot of premades too. I can’t give you a %, but it was enough to be annoying.

Premades bring a high percentage of imbalance into the game.


I am basically saying the OP needs to stop blaming premades for his own ineptitude and start thinking of ways they can personally start being a better player in all forms of the game. And the number one way I would say is Communication. Not yelling and trying to get people to play right because of berating people. But activally communicating with other players to help. I have see groups of randos obliterate premades all because we stopped female dogging at each other and started communicating and working together. Sometimes all it takes is 1 person to stop being a nugget and be a better player.

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What kind of prevention can there be for what you’re upset about without affecting people that just want to queue with a few friends? I can definitely see the difference but there really doesn’t seem like much can be done about it.

Syncing queue times has never been a guarantee of getting the same match anyhow.

No clue, that’s Blizzard’s job, not mine.

They are single handedly destroying random BGs. Random bgs don’t even try when they see a premade they just scream premade in chat and sit in the GY.


You say that like Ventrilo and Teamspeak was not a thing before discord


That was a very different era though. People now sit in discord 24/7 typing to their besties about god knows. TS and Vent were what you logged in to after you logged into the game for better comms.


Seems shallow to complain like this and throw your hands up.

After like 18 years… now it’s an issue?

of course before 2015 people never hung out in voice chatrooms…


is because blizz doesnt get that some times people just want to have fun competitive,
hard to find 10 good players and lose rate.

GW2 have the competitive pvp semi done right… rewards are for legendaries armors that have nothing to do with pvp, and cosmetics, doesnt matter if you win or lose.
but the problem is you also have bad players that are just farming this materials and cosmetics and well… now is not fun.

random bgs should have better rewards from vendor, just buy the same box over and over is boring, maybe add cosmetics as well. or a coin for mounts etc…

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Sorry where did I complain?

You say that as if the premade will let you leave the gy


While premades were a problem in vanilla they were not this big. Why do you think blizzard removed 10 man premades on classic servers? Discord has caused premades to get to extreme levels. Back in vanilla you would run into a premade every so often, but now it feels like almost every single BG is a premade and it’s only getting worse.

:rofl: :skull:

We sat in ventrillo 24/7 too. We were extra dorky and used guild / server websites too.

This isn’t that different.

Like I said i’m not against players grouping with their friends for fun. But a 5 stacked team premade should go against another premade, it’s fair to the random bgs and it’s fair to the premades looking for a challenge. The problem is the majority of premades aren’t looking for another premade, they just want to steamroll a bunch of undergeared randoms because they think it’s “fun”.