idk i refuse to stoop as low as them to party sync as a lvl 70 .
Would be good to see what actually happens to them. Right now we’re kind of guessing.
someone should do it n post stats
They do (Party Sync) allow some 70s Talents throughout the brackets, Bladestorm in the 10-19s bracket for one example.
Party Sync characters are at Heirloom levels when the template activates.
61-69 is the one bracket where they feel the most impactful, as players here seem to be on the under geared side with how fast we actually level. Can’t turn xp off at 60+.
There are item level 343 crafted options which are available at 64, these combined with the PVP Trinket 2pc can create a pretty beefy character.
Pretty sure that these factors were included when comparing power levels in this bracket. Got to gear up for best results, nothing new here.
That’s the only thing I’d change. No talents that someone can’t get.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but aren’t party sync players somewhat at a disadvantage? They can’t use trinkets or any of their enchanted gear effects (such as Nitro Boost/Glider)
I don’t even think they can use items besides conjured ones. I get that that they have high scaling, but a twink vs a party syncer, a twink will definitely have the advantage.
Yeah, you can’t use trinkets. Have to use heirloom trinket to break CC. Can use certain consumables if they are same level as BG’s. I haven’t played for two years and came back and still is fun.
If anyone wants to do some party synch bgs, message me in game.
This is the main problem then high scaling +
and imagine a whole premade of them , yea broken asf .
Premades should be forced to do rated pvp. Period.
i dont think they should be forced into content they wouldn’t like
Why? Being que’d against a premade isn’t content I like either.
I understand some people and the frustration they are having with this issue. I myself get more frustrated dealing with a bunch of people running all over the place doing nothing objective wise as they fight in the road. I find it frustrating to hear about how daddy did something bad to me or how one player claims that we are all lucky they are here cause they are going to solo carry us ftw! I myself get frustrated watching siege engines go up to the fort and get blown up within 5seconds. I myself am frustrated before the game starts you hear omg they have 1 more healer than we do gg. Then there is the mass exodus when the first objective is not won and then whining that occurs for the rest of the game when the people that wanted to do it the other way grieve those who didn’t follow them. I myself hate watching the team split out of the gates because one group thinks there is only one way to win but the other group feel their way is the only way. Last but not least Pugs are really frustrating when the guy/gal at 25honor level calls the shots cause they know how this all works and we need to listen to them. I myself feel premades are 1000 times better…less stress more friends and the game is played with more tactics and less “me hulk …me smash” My 2cents
because its wrong to force content on people thats why .
holy paragraph batman
They are forcing a premade upon non premades. Your point?
you said
so no no one should be forced just because they play with friends in randoms to b forced into rated because you want to sit there and cry about it .
Okay how about premades only against premades even in Random?
So if yourself, Derek, Bob and Ian want to do chill Random BGs your enemy will be against another premade of Swifty, Bajheera and Corrupt. With the rest of the BG slots filled with pugs.
But it would be a premade vs premade with PUGS filling in the gaps. Or do you not want competition?
Youre so edgy. Calling a back and forth conversation “crying”.
I bet you peaked in 8th grade.
He doesnt want competition. You are correct.
well thats what it is legit crying . people are allowed to have friends . Being forced to play ranked just because ppl party with friends is ridiculous . Im glad you are not incharge .