Can you tells us how you deduce a premade from a bunch of randoms? Do you lose the first team fight and go, “this must be a premade”?
Please explain your reasoning and logic.
Can you tells us how you deduce a premade from a bunch of randoms? Do you lose the first team fight and go, “this must be a premade”?
Please explain your reasoning and logic.
That’s funny because I’ve been in sync with queues with you when you played with Alec. I don’t play with them anymore, but I’ve definitely seen you synch queue
Trying out some new exploit in winter grasp…
Just a reminder that premades have been extant since Vanilla 18 years ago and they ain’t gone away yet.
I’m living proof of it and was doing premade randoms throughout the majority of Vanilla. In fact FM had a rolling server wide bg group running 24/7 throughout vanilla and TBC which I was main BG healer of for a long time.
It is what it is…if’n u don’t like it then join a premade community my dudes.
I mean yeah, I had to sync a queue to get into the same battleground as Alec since I’m Horde. I can’t just join his party and queue up with him.
The Wintergrasp in question you’re talking about was against SAS, a Horde premade. I’m all for premades vs premades, I’m not for premades vs pugs. Also, Alec was in a regular 5 man, he didn’t sync a queue for that. I was the only one who had to try to get into his battleground since merc.
That’s not true, he might have the only 5 man, but even he’s admitted that the all of their communities and affiliated communities sync queues. They even have it so it shows queues in GG and SOD. Little birdies told me.
I know he does, I’m only talking about the one Wintergrasp we were in together.
Ah. Yes, I was there for that one, they were sooooo mad.
A bit off topic but this nonsense right here is so aggravating.
We can do rated battlegrounds, rated 2s, rated 3s, M+ keys, Raids all with cross faction groups. But wanna chill in some random bg? NO! You must all be same faction still… for… reasons…
When they announced that queued content would still be faction locked they said it was because people queuing up for content didn’t necessarily accept playing with the other faction… but that completely falls apart because merc mode exists and has existed since WoD. And this expansion merc mode has worked both ways depending on time of day.
Really they should just make all BG queues xfaction and then allow xfaction grouping too, really dumb that they don’t just to appease faction loyalty nerds who are already playing with the other faction against their will anyway.
Oh I must have missed that because that’s the first I’m hearing of that reasoning. Which as you point out is just bad logic, merc mode has been a thing for a while now.
My guess, which is just pure conjecture to be clear, is it’s a technical thing. It might take more back-end work to make qued stuff work cross faction, and they don’t want to spend developer time, and therefor money, on it. And the end of the day when large company does X thing it almost always comes down to money.
I can assure you this is not it. It works in rated BGs just fine, they can easily mix the queues.
When cross faction grouping first became a thing, you should’ve seen the various amount of bugs and exploits possible with it in battlegrounds since you couldn’t queue with the opposite faction.
For instance, if you queued solo for a battleground and then got invited by someone of the opposite faction when the queue popped and took the queue after accepting invite, it would make you hostile to your own teammates. You could do it mid BG too and just start killing your own faction, and when you wanted to go back, have the person who invited you disband the group and you’d go back to normal to kill the opposite faction. It was possible to even carry your own factions flag in WSG/TP with this. Of course, it was all fixed within a week or two, but these back end problems no longer exist.
It really is just to appease to faction loyalists. I forget who said it, might’ve been Ion, but it was something along the lines of, “A night elf player might still feel some resentment towards an Orc or Undead player after the events of BfA, and vice versa.”
Yeah I could be wrong, that was just a guess.
It’s even dumber if it’s just for the “faction purists” tho. If it was a money thing at least it’d be understandable, still dumb but at least could see where they’d be coming from.
Man I wish I had been doing cross faction stuff when this was a thing, that sounds absolutely hilarious lol.
Blizzard might have hacked something together for full premade vs. full premade in rated bgs.
In random bgs, everyone is currently assigned to a specific faction when they queue up. It might take a bit of tinkering to modify the matchmaking to make everyone factionless for cross-faction bgs. It’s probably not a big deal, but who knows what kind of spaghetti code Blizzard has on the backend.
i epic bg all day and have yet to see these premades on both sides . once in a blue moon ill end up on ruins premade team . it seems to be pretty rare idk about norm bgs i dont really play those much i just do epics mainly .
hope its not like their ow matchmaking good lord having to vs diamond and grandmasters when im average player in ow is frustrating tbh
Premades are fine but not when you face level 70s premade at low level bgs, i was leveling my priest today and we faced 5 level 70s from the same server (level 60-70 bracket)
tbh they should disable party sync for pvp it shouldn’t be allowed . idc if they scale down obv its still too powerful . 70s should have to pvp in their own level bracket thats why the brackets exist . Blizzard logic .
I get the concept on why they did it, so you can quest and bg with your buddy while they’re leveling.
the cap for it should be 69 , 70 shouldn’t even be allowed . its fine for pve aspects but obv time and time again its shown that it cant be there for bgs.
Do they allow 70 talents in? If so, they need to just disable that and scale gear to heirloom level and should be fine.