Premade's are a problem

You don’t get to insult other people’s intelligence when you can’t even figure out something we all mastered by the fifth grade.


Omg the online grammar correction keyboard warrior dude is going to come get me… pft.

in a premade group it seems you’re less likely to backfill into a game players are leaving. that fact alone is enough to keep players grouped for random bgs.
lets say blizzard makes random bgs solo queue only( they wont just pretend).
what’s keeping 30-40 players solo queuing from using the countdown method?


It’s clear these players will keep finding new ways to cheat.

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I thought it was you offering house calls.

Nothing. If 40 people wanna go to AV, that’s what’ll happen, the window of opportunity is big enough. Why stop them? Why arbitrate player agency for some false idea of being fair. A fair is place you take your kids, or perhaps it’s just a place full of animals; barn animals who need their hooves and horns taken down to size. Who knows, but it’s not at the end of the solo-queue rainbow. I know some people play this game to be alone, and that’s OK, but I don’t see how threatening the wrath of God via bans will do anything other than make someone look insane and not very smart beyond what they can take away from the world (of warcraft). It’s almost to the point where communicating with the English language in an effective manner is considered exploiting, that’s basically where this argument keeps going and it becomes as disgusting as children’s books they’re ridiculed by.



They removed premades now they complain about gear disparity. Ok they seperate ques to geared and non-geared, now it’s macros and addons that are unfair. Seperate ques again to addon-free and addon-allowed, oh no some poeple have been playing for over a decade it’s just not fair to new players, better seperate ques between veterans and newer players. It will never end.

There will always be scenarios in player vs player games where you feel like you got dunked on unfairly. That is unavoidable. It all comes down to how you respond. Do you try to learn how they beat you so you come back next game and beat them? Or do you cry that the game is so unfair and beg them to change it for you?

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It’s not that the game couldn’t be better, but I am of the fearful perspective that it keeps getting worse, and that’s it been getting worse for the last 20 years- if only getting worse in a similar way to how a piece of metal rusts. Yeah, it’s still standing, but it could really use some love.

Why not have a wargames browser? “Group X is playing against Group Y, 77/80 slots available” like an actual server browser.
Why not make mercenary mode just remove faction tag entirely? It’d let people who don’t care for faction or even fresh games to play expediently and for increased reward. 1000g for a mercenary backfill? Sounds ok to me…

I’ll even go on a limb and say that conquest farming in BGs is a mistake- not that it’s not nice to get a little conquest for a win, but more so that players are willing to quit to try and get better matches. There’s some talk of removing deserter debuff; would that help? Do you wanna see people dipping out just to chase carried wins? Players do that already by alt-hopping, I don’t know how that gets better without an incentive not to quit. Just playing the game needs to be the reward, but all too often, people will quit at or even before contact with the enemy. Sometimes it’s so bad, entire teams will cycle in and out before things stabilize and there’s actually some turnaround. It’s a weird thing to even have to describe; I imagine it as people getting on a roller coaster mid-ride, and being expected to have fun.

hmm, what a wall of text I’ve made

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Premade raids vs. pugs is unfair, especially in a bracket that’s not supposed to have premade raids.

This isn’t a feeling thing.

This is an actual, competitively unfair thing.

I agree. I am not arguing in favor of 10-40 man raids.

I’m just saying a 5 man group should be allowed, even tho it feels unfair to some folks, there will always be things that feel unfair in PvP games. That is not a good reason to not let people play with friends/guildies in an online social game.

That is all.

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I thought this thread was about premade raids.


It gets confusing when people start talking about premade parties.

You’re right it was. But when this discussion happens inevitably there are people saying random bgs should only be solo que. That is a silly position to have IMO.

It’s possible I am tilting at windmills in this specific thread, but it is a sentiment I’ve seen around this topic.


You are free to get a premade of your own.
You are free to join pvp communities and fight in an organized fashion. It IS supposed to be a WAR. No reason to penalize organization except to please those who prefer whining to being organized.


I mean if you want you can come visit <3 I’m offering nothing but love and affection <3

Years later. Premades still a problem. I wonder how many posts have been made about this subject lol.

Sounds like the problem is perennial complainers, not premades. Maybe that explains the Blizz response of ignoring the whining.

In war, people who organize should rightly be expected to benefit from doing so.


It’s a video game. It’s random bgs.

If you want organized PvP, do rated bgs.


An unranked random bg isnt competitive.

Well, it’s supposed to be.

It’s not supposed to be uncompetitive, one-sided roflstomps.

Its not. Ranked is where its supposed to be competitive.