Premade's are a problem

It’s 2023. We can stop talking about the good ole days of 2004. Wpvp is dead and imo was always a lame one sided gank fest that really lost it’s charm after tbc anyways.

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← is tidepodz <3


← is Joker <3


Majority of the random BGs I play is solo queued, yet most maps have a higher win-rate.

Sometimes a premade is obvious (ie the same 3-5 players in the same BGs) … but for the most part I think it’s highly speculative because most rated players will generally know strats and who to target / cross-CC (like me, the healer)

So a collective bunch of pugs with RBG experience will coordinate together by nature, which gives the appearance that they’re a premade.

← is Dact <3

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← is Holycow, who was told to stay small by Tidepodzxo <3


Small is cute it’s a compliment

Common Pandaren W.

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Yeah sometimes it is obvious and I have done what you say… sync cc chains, together with a complete random. It looks awesome and looks like Voicechat callouts on most.

But as you said the same xyz players together all the time in the same BG, immediate switching by 4 dps and 1 pocket healer to the biggest threat that entered the battle I doubt it. I get where your coming from but I doubt its as common as it is now in pugs.

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Solo shuffle has added to people randomly throwing out CC imo

I just duo q most of the time and I’ll rarely say “yea this is a premade”

I get what your saying, but jumping into a random BG, 4-5 people jumping onto the healer/one target with auto switching when big defences used and all running together over the map seems suspect.

Honeyweis, Aurania, Phunk, Uncleflex, Roxenni, embertail, Angie, Rindy, Psnarf, and Cellash/virusfromlab were qing quite a bit but quit when ret/fistweaver got nerfed. That’s the people that come to mind from the horde that run premades quite a bit

EDIT: and OCA is the only person I know who does 10 man premades, but they aren’t very good


Most horde premaders that I know swapped alliance unironically

Shargan was playing with joker and I the other day, and I know kekdasneak xfered alli

Kthis (from the forums) says he runs premades, but I haven’t seen um

I also know for a fact that blizzard heavily priotizes premade vers premade once you have 3 or more in a group. Very rare you don’t fight an enemy premade with more than 3

But its 2023 and premades are still a thing 20 years later. Seems like its either still relavant or a dead horse.

Want to stop talking about it then stop posting about it.

In epics that’s not really what sync-queues do. They don’t coordinate CC chain or any of that. Individuals may do that on their own, but the power of the sync-queue is the coordinated swarm. Applying pure pressure to overwhelm points on the map and retake anything lost. Once the afk-quits begin it’s a rout. That’s sync-queues in a nutshell. Maybe once a night there’s an actual competitive match, but otherwise it’s rout after rout after rout.

Random BG not epic my friend. Lets not pretend your low IQ and not know what your talking about.

Complaining and Whining as well as Inappropriate statements in Pugs is a problem too…the hate and discontent pugs generate is off the charts and create a serious problem. Pugs also cannot seem to find an objective and defend it to save their life. Communities are mostly fun and you make a lot of friends :slight_smile: and they can find and defend an objective how weird huh.

My bad, I thought this was about synced-queues epics. I don’t know why anyone would complain about one group queuing, that’s built in to the system.


Its okay just dont do it again. Aint my fault you need a 4 man squad to pvp in randoms.

Seriously …if you said the sky is blue there would be complaints lol (we all know it’s blue because we live in the eye of a blue eyed giant named Macumber anyways)

I think the OP of this thread was talking about premade raids.

They are organized raids just splitting up their ques. No, it’s not within the rules. It’s just a sneaky workaround.

Rule: 5 players. That’s it. No more. No “but wut if we uhhhh.” No. 5 players is the rule.