Premade's are a problem

Maybe we have different definitions of competitive.

That’s cool. In modern consumerism, the squeaky wheel gets the grease. I also run with a group, but can we not do the chest-thumping? These threads are always filled with it, “I’m better than everyone because I have the amazing skill of making friends!”

Let’s just not. If you’re running BGs on a Friday and Saturday night then I hate to break it to ya, but making friends isn’t one of your skills.

Let’s just call it like it is. Is playing with friends more fun? Yes. Does playing with friends give you an advantage? Yes.

this wheel been squeaking since 2005. lube it up with thy flowing BG tears and see if that helps


btw we win in EBG because we are dedicated pvp players with BG leaders who are masters of the game.

To beg on the forums for an administrative hard counter to that is a SHAMEFUL ACT and an insult to the game.

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So just face other premades then?

I mean surely your “dedicated pvp players with BG leaders who are masters of the game” aren’t scared to go up against an opposing premade…


As a matter of fact many of us long for the day when we can play rated EBG and do just that

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the best games are without a doubt against opposing premades

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but people are free to join pvp communities. we are very welcoming all the time. there’s no reason to be on the forum begging for the game to be crippled when the same opportunities are open to all.


Oh im sure every pvp community would love that. So lets just agree that when you queue as a premade you should only be facing other premades. Sounds fair.

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so if 10-15 of us and our leader get into a 40 man ebg and we dominate it because people listen to our strat…is that a premade? cause thats the norm

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Form a raid and try to queue for an EBG and you will get an error. If you’ve found another way to bring a party >5 into EBGs (e.g., by queue syncing), you are by definition exploiting.


or it’s working as intended and you guys are sitting on your hands begging for mercy instead of playing


A little reading clearly shows that what you are saying is NOT the definition of an exploit

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maybe you don’t know what Random means XD or more likely you are bad player and need an entire team against solo players to feel big and bad XD

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see? You guys pretend to a discussion, but you just want to offer insults to strangers.

Have fun losing more.

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genius, RANDOM BG refers to the CHOICE of which BG you are running.

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sure but also random people that’s why you are only allowed a 5 man group XD but people like you need and entire guild to carry your sorry butt if you want to do that go play rated it’s why it’s there

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Realistically speaking, if all solo players were to start forming groups and using a countdown method (including dropping a queue whenever they all didn’t get the same pop to rinse and repeat) games would become rare to come by, or at the very least you’d join games with only half the players on each team. It just isn’t a healthy solution for the game.

Not to say your BG leaders aren’t skillful or anything, but let’s face it, an organized team vs a pug is unfair, straight up lol.

If someone were to tell me a 2100 3v3 team queued a skirmish and beat a random pug of players, I wouldn’t be impressed.

It doesn’t have to be rated epic BGs. In my opinion, rated epic BGs would be horrible. People can barely hold it together to form a group of 10 in regular rated BGs, not many people would do the same for a raid group. Youd also get the same players fighting each other every game and it would eventually suffer from win trading.

Not that it affects me (since I don’t do epic BGs enough to justify it) but these solo/party queues have every right to complain about it. No matter which way you look at it, a pug vs a premade is unfair, and you can say, “they can join a premade too!” but that’s still ignoring the fact that, against a pug group, the premade has a major advantage.

And to clarify, by premade I’m talking about a synced queue premade. I don’t consider normal 5 man parties a problem.

Here’s a discussion:

First, give premades the option to queue as a raid group. The catch is, they will be put into a separate queue that will only pair them up against others queueing in a raid group. People queueing solo or in a party would continue to queue like normal how it is now, however, they would have a checkbox option in the BG queue UI where they can choose to be included as backfill for raid queues.

Second, make random battlegrounds cross faction. This serves as an extra layer of protection against sync queuers. They all sync a queue, get the same pop, join the battleground, and suddenly half of their premade is on the enemy team.

In the end, you still get to do what you love, which is queue in an organized raid group, and pug groups won’t need to worry about facing a premade. It’s a win-win for everyone.


This is a great idea but most of these people don’t want that lol they want to play against randoms because it’s the only way they can win i have won vs a premade a few times because there legit trash

your post seems to proceed from the premise that no team should have an advantage and that if organizing is an advantage, organizing should not be allowed.

I don’t accept the premise that no team should ever have the advantage. It is a game of war. Player-created advantage should be allowed and encouraged.