Premade's are a problem

These are a real problem and anyone that says different is simply lying because they are the ones doing it lol fix this blizzard it will kill pvp and the game saying different is just plain lying smh


Premades have been a thing since 2005, so why would it suddenly kill pvp? How should they attempt to ‘fix’ it? I’d recommend posting something more constructive but you never do.


The amount of premade posts of late indicate there is an issue. You can play coy, or try to derail all you want. But people sometimes just want to log in and jam a few games.

They don’t want to log in and be gy camped by a premade on Discord calling out targets in a Random Battleground.


nope it has NEVER been this bad sure groups of 5 where a thing but groups of 10 and more where extremely rare and got delt with to claim it’s not a problem is simply admitting you are someone abusing it to stop making excuses…


He is don’t worry.

He only ever pvps as a group and never solo. He is one of those dudes who it would effect if blizz solved the premade problem. Which is why he is against it so much and tries to derail it so often.


No they weren’t. Just proves you didn’t play the game before Shadowlands or didn’t pvp. These large groups have been around since vanilla.

found one lol always tries to gaslight and troll on my posts XD you are just sad at this point bud smh


There’s the daily whining about premade a post. Get over it. NOTHING’S CHANGING.

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These threads are trolling at this point.

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You need to define your term of “premade”, are you talking 2, 3 or 4 man groups??

Are you talking about epic BG and people coming in with 30-40 people??

this is a MMO and designed to be played in groups, guilds are there for people to group up and play together. Blizzard added communities so people could group up and play TOGETHER. I play with my kids and a couple friends, what do YOU consider a “Premade” in a MMO game designed around MANY people???

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They introduced Solo Shuffle… and the players that deserve to be at the top are at the top. Players that rely on a premade advantage are at the bottom.

Case in point : You and Akatsuki.


Pretty big mouth for someone hardstuck combatant lmao. Showing your PvP IQ as well using Solo Shuffle as a metric lol.

Edit: Not even challenger, combatant.


It’s been way worse in the past, when people actually played the game. There were far more premades once upon a time.


I remember a ton of groups running 40man premade AVs back in TBC and wrath.
Player base is smaller now. Fewer people queueing into random BG. As WoW’s sub shrinks to a fifth of what it was back then, more dedicated players who have a community (the ones running premades) are more likely to stick around and queue with the social circles they’ve built.
It’s not like these groups are super exclusive. Just make some friends with the people you meet in BGs and queue together.


Most of the premades are pretty bad anyway, just coordinate with the randoms.

Especially when it’s the same names and none of them can even spell.

Takes a narcissist to know one…

Lol now the kids are mass flagging lmao. Guess they can’t take the truth huh?

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Anyone who thinks this is new must have not been around for the oQueue days. Almost all epic bgs had full 40 man groups quing together back in those days, there were communities built around these games to get honor for alts.

Is it a good thing for the game? Prolly not.

Is it new? Not at all, and it’s been worse in the past.

Will Blizz do anything? Doubtful, they barely care about PvP.


Yup, same names. Beginning to think it’s multiple accounts of one guy.

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