Premade's are a problem

PVP needs a whole rework, especially at the Random BG level. Years of forum posts on this stuff.

Yes because there is less participation in PVP because random/casual pvp is not something Blizz care about. Considering you are a member of SAS you have a motive to say that too.


I mean, would you like me to leave it and say it? Wouldnā€™t make a difference, Iā€™d still say it.

I donā€™t care. You say there are fewer premade grps Correct. My reply is that there is less participation in PVP which is also correct. This means less premades.

Maybe, maybe not. No one has those numbers.

Same concept. Be the games have 2 conpletely different designs whoch is what i said.

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Jugaa youā€™ve played this game a looong time as have I. PVP participation is no where near where it once was. No doubt about it.

A member of Hydra too.

Sheā€™s even in a premade forum group lol. :joy: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Idk I see new faces in epics all the time.

And yet I still solo queue all the time. Call me crazy but I like to do my own thing.

Tried getting in an epic at the slightly lower levels? Epic waits if you get one at all. It never used to be this way.

Nah low level epics never popped for me while leveling.

They did back in the day. Sorry, you are wrong. Used to level in them.

The only time epics ever popped for me while levelling was in SL very early days.

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Yea, not sure what heā€™s talking about. Epics were never that popular while leveling.

Iā€™m speaking historically going way back.

Here is another Jugaa rabbit hole, you like rabbit holes donā€™t you? Iā€™m not going down there with you. Enjoy your day!!

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Have a good one!

Well I donā€™t know about very long back but for sure it never popped Legion onwards . Atleast for me except for early SL when huge amounts of honor was needed to upgrade gear

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Cross faction BGs and premades vs only premades/groups would be fun to watch the flaming/insults and afk / rage quits when one premade loses.

I was just in a random BG just now and Joker and Tidepodx was in the BG who only roll together but we were facing a 5 man from Area 52, they got gy camped. Some of their team AFKā€™d out.

Thats how it should be. Premade vs Premade but a lot of the time its not. Its PuG vs Premade whether Epic or Random and the PuG 90% of the time gets decimated.