Premade's are a problem

The only ones losing their minds are those who constantly complain about them.


Nah, Iā€™ve seen and witnessed premaders in discord some of them are held together by a string. Its honestly fun to listen to them whine and complain and then witness them on here do the same thing trying to defend their ways


Majority are just on playing the game. But you do you.


I will. I will continue to listen to them lose their minds in Discord and watch them try to derail threads on here.

ā€œOh **** sake, its another premadeā€ - literally what I heard the other day when passing through a Discord chat. They were doing random BGsā€¦ lol.


Iā€™ll just say they underestimated them. Everyone who was there will never forget it. If we could have worn cones of shame we would have had to. It was bad. But we rode it out to end, we didnā€™t leave.

Uh huh. Sure.

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itā€™s very hilarious that these premade groups lose lol honestly how trash do you have to be to have a huge advantage and still lose?

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Trying to do the Blitz achievement , there were not enough healers and raid got wiped at boss. We then rezzed at cave as we didnā€™t have any GYā€™s and could not stop the alliance from taking the boss down with 2 towers . Thatā€™s the only one I remember that I was involved in .

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Youā€™re the one who seems to be losing your mind. Pro tip: if you donā€™t like people reporting on their BG experience being ruined by exploiters, you are free to ignore the posts. Nobody appointed you forum police or discussion manager. Stop being such a Karen.


By posting? Nah



Spill the beans!


Iā€™m not a fan of the bosses going down so easily. Kinda defeats the purpose of backcapping.

^ This.

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Well itā€™s an achievement Blizz has for AV. The only one I donā€™t have in the BG. Maybe one day

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At least they finally removed it from being Master of Alterac Valley. Used to be required in order to get Battlemaster.

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Ty for popcorn always a pleasure see you around my Draenei fren.

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Oh, I was actually talking about the pugs.

They cap 4 towers. We backcap 2. They still kill the boss with 2 towers up. So, the backcapping didnā€™t really matter.

o look here is another thread on premades

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because itā€™s a problem that hasnā€™t gone away sooo ya people are going to want it addressed

again i bumped this thread for a reason to prove a point in a different thread but sure have a jab at me lol

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Used to require master of strands of the ancients as well

They remove 5v5 and make arena master unobtainable without it, they remove strands and make battlemaster a cakewalk :rage: so lame

Bm should have been grandfathered just like arena master

how was that a jab at you? XD guilty much?