Premade's are a problem

you replied to me so

So? that doesnā€™t make it a ā€œjab at youā€ lol you are simply just selling yourself out honestly

how exactly lol you ppl are soemthing else entirely :skull: :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

you people? what do you mean by that?

Eh, BM is still a good achievement to get.

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I disagree, comp stomp might as well null AB and warsong scramble throws 10 flags at you and eots was always the easiest :disappointed:

You get achieves in comp stomp? Imagine how easy ā€œWe had it all alongā€ is then.

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Yeah, itā€™s a freebie and the rep is doable from scratch in like a day or two. :dracthyr_crylaugh: I think that they made a horrible mistake by enabling achievements but it is what it is.


People are scared of these bg forum tyrannists.



Those are not fun games for the pugs.


Itā€™s gonna get even worse with Holinka leaving.



If Blizzard is ok with you bringing in premade raids, theyā€™d let you queue as one. Why would they limit you to 5-man parties?


I agree.

Alliance premade do this to win

Text chat strats
Listen to and respect each other
Follow strats
Read chats
Never Give Up

And THAT"S ALL WE HAVE against enemies

I honestly donā€™t understand WHAT the Horde thinks we are DOING in thereā€¦

You win because you have 40 people working together, functional compositions and kick people that donā€™t do what theyā€™re told.

Vs 40 randos, possibly no healers and no expectations that anyone will listen to anyone else.


Apostrophes in plural words are a problem.

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You have 80%+ win rate in epic BGā€™s and 50% win rate in smaller BGā€™s. Are you seriously going to sit here and tell us that PuGs can win with effective communication when your own win rate falls 30% without your premade?


Sync qersā€¦ SHEEEEEESH

Reminds me of that boomy akatsuki or w/e

^ This.

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We neither have nor use any tech , strat, nor methodology not available to all players.