Premades and Ashenvale every 6 hours, a Nightmare to farm reputation

You destroyed the Ashenvale event and now we can not rely on it to farm reputation, not to mention it has a hard limit on it.

Premades in BG’s were already a problem with 1 hour Ashenvale events but now that they take like 6 hours to pop all the people went to BG’s to spam Premades even more.

This is a complete Nightmare for people wanting to farm reputation.

  1. Return Ashenvale to its previous state please
  2. Forbid Premades in Bg’s or give them a separate que

This needs to happen as soon as possible.


Farm the reputation in WSG by solo queues then we can talk about nightmare.


You know whats worse? Hitting Revered and then realizing its capped and you have nothing to do.


If you don’t enjoy queuing solo, why don’t you form a group?

Of course you’re entitled to your own opinion, but I’m entirely unsure why people feel it’s OK to demand the dismantling of an enjoyable playstyle because they want an easier time farming rep.


Ngl, hit revered on my main and 2 alts in Ashenvale prenerf. Won’t bother grinding rep on any others. Now I just look for premades to grind to exalted.

Giving premades their own queue probably wouldn’t fix much, they’ve done it before and it was easy to work around it. Premade dodging was always the real problem, but I don’t think that is a thing anymore.

Honestly, just join a premade. The only real advantage they have is organization. It’s not like there is a massive gear disparity at this level. I put from time to time but I hate it, few know how WSG works and most everyone just wants to farm/get farmed in the mid instead of trying to win.

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Yeah, or run one. It seems to me that most of the premades right now are just PuGs in trade chat with zero comms, and not even any real leadership.

Here’s a bit of a getting started leading WSG Premades guide:

Feel free to add some feedback or correct any issues with the guide!


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Thats exactly what I’m talking about and then on top of that the alternative was completely destroyed.

so stop worry about ‘Farming Reputation’ and play a game to have fun.

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The solution is simple, you just don’t want to go through the trouble of forming your own pre-made, and just want life to magically cater to your preference. Good luck with that :man_shrugging:t3:

Can’t have fun being graveyard camped or afking against a premade no, also can’t have fun waiting 6 hours for a pvp event.

the World PvP in Ashenvale between events is SO MUCH BETTER than the event itself. You get into a raid group and storm the forests, it’s awesome. been much of my havin a blast here on SoD was those large raid pvp groups.

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It’s not that easy most of the time depending on your class. I’ve only tried one night with no luck (I prefer no premades tbh, kills the fun in battlegrounds when fighting premades and playing with them.), but they just want to stack priest for heals, druid for FC, hunters for DPS than the last few slots for all of the other classes.

More than that is the class comp, my random groups have out skilled the enemy premade plenty of times but we lost because they have 3 priests to our 0-1.

I love joining the raids on the east side of the map for the event. Horde tends to try and wipe the Alliance raids on my server and we get some fun PvP there.

I have fun making bars go up. give more options to make bar go up.

lol nice :smiley:

Well he enjoys queuing solo to be randomly put together in a team versus another team that queued solo to randomly be put together together. It’s a very popular play style.

He’s requesting a specific queueing system be made for this since it’s so popular. And it’s a great idea.

Well, of course you and the OP are entitled to your opinions, and should be championing them.

In my opinion, making major changes to the way the classic BG system works to cater to solo players in an MMORPG, rather than encourage group play is the opposite of a great idea.


But queuing solo to be put into teams with other people is group play. You’re just used to having to coordinate in pre-made teams because of retail. But that’s not a prerequisite to an MMO, whatsoever.

In fact, I find it more challenging to try and rally a random group of people then to just grab the best gear and OP classes then steamroll pugs. That’s not even fun or challenging.

But you play however you want to play. Enhancing the game to cater to popular play styles a good thing.

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Sounds like a literal description of Retail.

In any case, my opinion is that the current system is fine and no changes are required.


This request has been perhaps the number one request the game has had since the first week battlegrounds were introduced. This is nothing new and has nothing to do with retail.

However, era is there for you if you aren’t interested in any kind of experimentation here. That’s what SoD is for. It’s the perfect time for a solo pug queue. Only 20 years late.

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While I do understand that people like to try to rationalize that their opinions are the most popular and most wanted…

I’m not asking for any changes to how BGs work in SoD right now.
