Premade subterfuge has now reached unsub levels

This is why merc mode should be removed people trying to win trade for their premades in epics is pathetic.


Sorry holy aslong as premades run rampant no time of the day is safe.

Morning = horde premades
Afternoon = alli mercing premades
Late night = alli merc &horde premades
After dark =horde premades

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This will be RMT for those who want rated epic battlegrounds.

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Just guessing but was it an alliance premade? Especially the ones that play during hours when they’re just facing horde pugs have trolls that either merc into horde games or sync with their premade on horde toons to grief the horde pugs. It’s very obvious. Worst of those are probably ex-ruin or from that rangers comm.


Putting a positive spin on no safe window (which the anti-premade crowd won’t appreciate, and I get that) -

Epic communities are prolific and vibrant. There’s tons of them. I’m in two that blew past the 1000 player limit and needed overflow communities. We regularly queue so many players we get split queues and take both at once.

I’m no dev. Maybe a Roblox battle royale clone is where Blizzard wants to take WoW, but ignoring the potential of what the epics competitive communities have largely built for themselves seems commercially short-sighted.

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But it’s generally not competitive unless it’s a lucky premade vs. premade match, or if they choose to do wargames (which are based even more on min-maxing than random eBGs).

Syncing groups vs. pugs is not competitive. It may be fun for the syncers but not for the pugs.


ye its not fun when i get in 2 a ebg n my team or the uther is qsyncers its time for xfaction ebgs n for those who truly want to play with frenz maybe increase group size cap from 5 to ten for ebg q (not random bg tho)

seams reazonable no?

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From what I heard it was an alli premade of some questionable ppl

Believe me BlizZard is paying attention.

I fear though that merc mode might receive the axe as a consequence. I hope not.

:man_surfing: :surfing_woman:

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This is seriously inaccurate. No horde communities runs premades during ‘Morning’ and ‘After dark’

I can’t call a 3-5 man team a premade sync. Sorry.


Maybe 5pm - 8pm Est if RR isn’t running at that time. Most the primetime syncers start around 8.

I rarely queue an epic now because they aren’t fun. Either you sync and can stand around doing nothing while winning by a landslide or you get hopelessly streamrolled by syncers. I don’t blame pugs for leaving games in mass. It’s an alt friendly expansion and no one wants to put up with such an unfair situation. Giving up and waiting for the game to end isn’t as attractive as just leaving to spend your time doing something actually fun. Which unfortunately leads into this awful backfill loop. Even if you know a premade popped it’s not safe to queue because you will likely pop a backfill into them.

Ultimately, I expect less and less pugs to continue queuing epics over time, which is a shame because some people really prefer epics.


I’ve never synced nor twinked but I would like to preserve the community aspect. It’s not sustainable to give premades such an advantage as you’ll eventually run out of fuel as the fodder leaves the game. If they limit team vs team then one community would dominate and the rest would probably leave when they faced the pressures that they put on pugs.

You need to be careful, when twinks faced this some of the more vocal members refused to compromise so they got nothing when the queues were separated. I think either they’ll separate the queues or leave casual PvP to die, it may already be too late. It’s good that some of the more reasonable members like yourself are coming forth and considering this. Twinks didn’t have to die.



If premade raid vs. premade raid were enabled, premades would send in a spy to see who they’re facing and then drop queues against certain opponents.

Without suspensions/bans, Blizzard has been unable to stop premade raids from circumventing restrictions. Weaker premade raids would probably just use some sort of workaround to queue into pugs again. They’d continue sync queuing or whatevers.

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That’s why I figure cross faction will just change the issue not resolve it. I like your idea of a hidden MMR for match making which would remove the benefit of sync queuing unless populations are so small people still get concentrated but even then I go up or down and hopefully end up in a pug bracket.


That’s actually a sign of poor management. Most of those players will never be seen or heard from. It’s a common problem in the community system.

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Thanks. I think it’s a good way to separate premade raiders (high win rates) from pugs (lower/average win rates).

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you know it would just be better if they added cross faction bgs.

If Blizzard wants to separate premade raids from pugs, they should add a hidden MMR.

It wouldn’t matter if premade raids start syncing 40 solo queues (or some other workaround). Their hidden MMR would still identify them as likely premade raiders.

Blizzard can also enable cross-faction bgs to lower queue times and improve spec/role/party balance.


How does that work for oceanic prime time when there’s basically only one ebg happening currently. Does the q never pop or do we get lumped in with the premade that runs then?

Edit this was meant to be replying to Holy. Just woke up -_-

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Don’t reveal the mystery. lol