Premade subterfuge has now reached unsub levels

Even in premade vs. premade games, you’ll see streamers mute discord, stop streaming, or they’ll add a big stream delay.

Are they just being paranoid?


It’s difficult to tell if they’re related to the community or just some merc jerks but I’ve seen a lot of destructive behavior by my own team. It was just the once when it seemed like the other team was trying to set up a camp in AV before we took the GY after I got back filled into the same camp that I thought they might be related. Hardly conclusive, still worth documenting.


just a normal day for epics

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Good observation honestly. I would hope anybody streaming their games puts it on a delay but if nobody is spying than why bother? Fair point


I think they’re using just popped, 70 throw-away-toons in greens for this (mostly healers)… it needs more investigation but it makes sense… This way if it gets flagged, its no loss… Some of these teams probably opened a couple of “spy accounts” unrelated to their fully geared accounts just for this purpose. It has to be something like this because for the abrasive way they talk in the chat, they have 0.0000000000000000% fear of Blizzard retribution whatsoever I can promise you that…

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Maybe, but I doubt it. Spying on a PUG would be a pointless effort.

What’s more likely happening here (if true) is Team A has voice comms, “saw a few going for flowers” or has peeps with a bit of visual and gameplay tuning that lets them see clear across the map and it’s obvious what the enemy faction is up to.

Stream delays ruin interactions with chat, which are one of the main points of live streaming.

Well, if the premade has spies on the other team, I doubt they stand down if it’s just a pug team.


blizzard needs to break every single q sync pop addon there is aswell as make all forms of pvp cross faction .


Communities I play with don’t have spies in games, or need them.

Like I said, spying on PUGs is pointless and there’s a popular add-on that reports back which community leaders have queued, so most groups have a pretty good idea which teams are queuing and when.

Some use that info to avoid, while others deliberately queue into one another for fun matches.

Hey Blizz, FIRE whoever is making this embarrassing garbage and then hire a guy to fix your PVP…

You would then be helping the game in two separate ways…

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What’s the addon?


There was an alliance merc too who would just die on purpose. Jump hills, charge allies just to die. In one game, he’d be like 30 deaths.

I hope he/she gets banned.


For sure! I do a mix of Solo’s and Duo’s with randoms lol


adding u bcuz i can


The two main add-ons used by epic communities are Community Flare and Battleground Commander.

Commander is used to quickly give lead and assist and a few other QoL functions. Flare is the one that reports queues and pops but to function correctly you have to be a member of a community so it can hoover up data to work from.

Strange bug (maybe it’s a feature) of Flare is it will also track communities your character used to be in. I see queues and pops for all manner of critters when logged in on this toon.

Both are on Curseforge.

So, pugs should install Flare and join all the different premade communities if they want to avoid premade raids and play against other pugs?

Just out of curiosity, from your experience, how big of a window do pugs have during prime time to queue up and join a game before the next premade raid queues up?

Not really piratical and can’t see a way of avoiding synced teams. And there isn’t really a ‘safe’ window. Some epic communities are purposely active during US off-hours (which is great for us Oceanics).

My unasked for advice would be to join a community. Despite the nastiness on display in these threads, a lot of them are really nice with cross-over membership and leadership on good terms. It’s a vibrant friendly space. The bigger communities run WPvP events and other shenanigans. All fun and in the spirit of the game.

Msg me in-game and I’ll happily recommend some horde, ally or cross faction groups - although some of them are understandably cautious about recruitment.

Alternatively, if you’re interested in setting up your own community we have heaps of resources we can share, add-ons, communication macros etc, even just support and encouragement.


During US prime time there’s multiple communities queuing both factions so it’s down to rnJesus if you’ll queue into one for or against. Alliance communities seem to dominate those hours, but even they will frequently merc to fight each other, get a faster queue or just even the field.



That’s what it felt like but I was hoping a few “safe” windows existed.


10am to 3pm US server time … maybe? That’d be my best guess for the lowest amount of activity.

Oh, I meant during prime time. I was hoping a few “safe” windows existed during prime time.