Premade subterfuge has now reached unsub levels

If they would just make cross faction everything - there wouldn’t be any need for merc. These premade communities have infested and destroyed Epic BGs. The only way they can be slowed down is by making Randoms cross faction. You need to complain on Twitter. I’ve sent in screen shots, and several complaints - but I need help. Log on Twitter, and let your concerns be known at - @warcraftdevs

Those back peddling clickers are manipulating the queue system. The ability to create a large premade was removed for a reason… but complaining on the forums will accomplish nothing.


Nice Pirate Outfit

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im going based off pst time btw if that helps so times may differ so yes yes they do run a those times since im always vs a certain horde premade that rotfl my pug team and funny enough its always when you are on their team aswell .


If there’s only one epic bg going on in all of NA, we might have bigger problems.

In such a scenario where there are barely enough players to fill one game, hidden MMR plus cross-faction would help evenly split up the premade raid onto both teams.

My suggestion for Blizzard has been both hidden MMR and cross-faction teams. Some forum posters disagree with me. They don’t want hidden MMR at all.

I think hidden MMR would help separate premade raids from pugs. Teams would be more fair.


Cross faction will not only slow down the premade groups by splitting them apart - but it will allow Blizzard to remove merc, which shouldn’t be in the game in the first place. It will also allow Blizzard to remove the honor buff to the lesser played faction. The faction vs faction ‘‘war’’ ended when they removed PvP servers - which is still the dumbest thing Blizzard has ever done… but now that it has been done - nobody cares anymore.

These premade communities want us to believe it’s about playing with ‘‘friends.’’ It’s not. They could easily do that by creating RATED BATTLEGROUND GROUPS - but they won’t do that… Why? Because as their ratings increase, the likelihood of facing other coordinated groups that will stomp them… also increases. This is all about them having an advantage for easy wins. They manipulate/abuse the queues - they drop queues, which causes games to start out 38-8 (I sent a screenshot to Blizzard as proof,) which is gameplay disruption. But you need to report these issues IN GAME, AND ON TWITTER. If you’re on the forums with these complaints - you’re doing it wrong.

Let’s take our Epics back.


To be honest, I don’t know if Blizzard is listening anymore. We can barely get PvP balance changes and that’s just modifying some numbers.

When Holinka was around, we could directly tweet at him and he would read our feedback/complaints/suggestions. He changed stuff if he could.

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And that’s exactly how I know I’m not in a premade sync, Kit. :smile:

The Horde premades only happen between 8 PM to 12 AM US EST, stretching till 2 AM on weekends. That’s for both DLJ and AVM.

If you spot me outside those hours, I’m either solo queuing or in a small group of up to 5. Anything more, and I start to feel bored. That’s why you see me hopping between different toons. Once I gear up one, I move on to start fresh with another, right back to green PvP gear. It keeps things interesting for me.

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Your epics? What do you suggest, we regress to pug on pug, running around randomly doing sweet FA in any competitive sense? The raid finder of BGs. That’s your aspiration?

Tired of the constant moaning about the ‘unfairness’ of people bothering to play well.

What is the problem exactly? What is so wrong with scores of players competently competing with and against each other?

If you wanna solo a forty-player battleground, that’s a choice, sometimes a fun one. But don’t whine and whinge when five, fifteen or thrity-five of your opponents happen to behave in a cohesive, coordinated and competent manner.

They are also having fun. They are playing an MMO.

Edit: Got cross and wrote rude things


You’re begging the question here. Your statement, “What is so wrong with scores of players competently competing with and against each other?” assumes that the current state of play is already fair and balanced, which is exactly the point under dispute. It circumvents the argument by taking for granted the very thing that’s being questioned.


Yes, please make fun of my disabilities more you turd.

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Can confirm Dida doesn’t run with us but we see them in epics. Same with Mort and Cidik.

They want to try and force us to put up with them. We see them we requeue. People don’t have to deal with them and they are stuck war gaming themselves. They are salty about it clearly.

Owlcapn is obviously not with bsg and youre making it otherwise lol.

I understand it’s traumatizing to get farmed in the av cave with the elite guards lol.

You did it to yourself tho. (;

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Seeing how their profile is hidden I’m gonna go with it is him. And nope, you can’t change my mind no matter how you sadly attempt to trash talk me.

Not everyone who talks against you is with bsg.

If Blizzard agreed with you - you guys wouldn’t have to manipulate the queue system in order to create these ‘‘well playing’’ groups. I can name six of your members that back peddle and click. I’ve been in your groups - you also queue dodge in order to avoid other ‘‘well playing’’ groups. I’m not going to keep going back and forth with you.

Blizzard IS aware of the issue. It just takes them forever to correct it.

We need to keep reminding them… Take screenshots, if you have to.


If there’s any Fix coming to PVP it will not be during Dragonflight. Blizzard always work 1-2 expansion later for big fixes.

Why fix the current expansion when they have a team dedicated to changing the game 1 year from now?

I just hope we see something in TWW.


Can confirm nine back pedals for sure.

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rating yo tmog its a 2/10 meeeee plz fix yo tmog <3 uwu

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girl please, your tmog screams basic b