Premade SPM is Disbanding

Usually people get the same copy paste response.

So I’m not convinced it’s manual there have been screenshots many of them of separate people with separate offenses getting the same word for word response.

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I alleged it was automated in a ticket to Blizz and they got big mad. They insist it’s reviewed by a human.

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Usually the response of someone who knows they’re wrong.

And has something to hide.

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It is.

Perma bans are handled by a real person… the appeal process is handled by a real person. There is no debate to be had - it’s a fact. If you want to tell me that silences/mutes/suspensions are handled via an automated system - you may have an argument. I disagree, but I won’t argue with you.

The reason why the the same copy and paste response is used - is because 99.9% of perma bans stand. There’s no reason for the person to write up a completely fresh response.

Now, you guys can sit here and believe this community… and how their buddy was perma banned by an automated system… or you can believe me - Owlcapwn (21st Ranked honor Level in the ENTIRE world.)

The person in questioned was perma banned (by a real person) and he was denied multiple appeals (by a real person.) It was not, I promise you, for being ‘‘too chatty.’’

End of story.


Now you just need 40k achieves 600+ mounts and 1200+ pets and then you can call yourself a real collector.


If y’all want the answer to these questions of how account penalties work you can ask in the Customer Support forums. There are people there who will detail it better than I will here. There are numerous Blue costs covering how things work.

So, if a ton of people report you in a short period of time, you can get a warning. This is automated. It’s purpose it get ya to think about what you are typing. Not even GMs can tell you what the warning was for. Further, if enough reports happen in a short period of time, you can get automatically silenced. They call this squelched (it is aimed specifically at bots and really bad chat). It lasts until a GM has a chance to review it and see if it was legit. Those are the only automated parts here and are different than silences and suspensions and bans.

Now, once the reports are in and it gets to a certain report/time level, those reports against the account are reviewed. They are reviewed by some unlucky human who has to look at all the crappy reported talk. I imagine they end up affected by constantly looking at/reading terrible human behavior, just like all the soical media people who have to look at the bad things human do. If those reports are found to violate Blizz chat policy, they press the button and the system hits the account with an action. The action applied is currently based on past infractions. It starts at silence, like a week, and then goes to 1 week or suspension and then tends to double after that. Over the years these have all grown because the punishment wasn’t enough to stop the behavior. I have seen one Blue posts re: account closures at 7 infractions. Those account actions never drop off (10 years+ still there, etc), so it just keeps growing until Blizz says enough and closes the account.

You can appeal account actions and should. The Blues admit that rarely the GMs make a mistake.

Also, the GMs talk in templates. All big companies use templates now to provide consistent responses. The Blues have noted that rarely the wrong template is sent, again human error.

So that’s about it. At the end of the day vast majority of grown ups have no problem. Ain’t that just the way it is with most things.

Again, you can head on over to Customer Support and ask there if you want to hear a better version of what I just wrote.

If you have suggestions how Blizz should deal with terrible human behavior, you can submit it in game: Game Menu::Support:;Submit Feedback or start a post in the General forums. But I’m not too certain the general forum post will get much sympathy from other players.

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Now, after reading this - ask yourself - do you honestly believe that the person who got perma banned… was perma banned for being… ‘‘too chatty’’ or ‘‘annoying?’’

Answer - No.

He broke a serious rule or multiple rules… got caught - and did what most people who get banned do… blame it on Blizzard, and it’s mythical automated system. HE GOT PERMA BANNED FOR A SERIOUS REASON.

My main man Lorethon dropping the mic… hard.

As I’ve mentioned before, I’ve seen some of Bobos’ actual tickets, especially his latest.

Normally, they just point to violations of the Term of Service. What violations? Why, interestingly, Blizzard never says. No hints. We have been able to get chat logs from Blizzard on occasion (but usually they just ignore such requests), and the language, while not saintly, is pretty tame. He might call someone “stupid” on occasion, but mainly he is just TALKING.

With chat logs in hand, we asked Blizzard - “okay, what specifically are you talking about because I can’t see it. Please point out specifically how I am breaking the rules.” I mean how do you expect someone to clean up behavior that they powers that be won’t even deign to tell you? It’s just “go read the Terms of Service.”

All of the above is based on facts, on things I’ve actually seen with my own eyes. Not theories or guesses. If peeps have some actual facts to back up some of their talk, please step up to the mic.

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LOL @ how do you expect someone to clean up behavior.

My God.

If that’s even a question - that person probably doesn’t belong in an MMO. It’s not Blizzard’s responsibility to teach you or ‘‘Bobos’’ proper etiquette. I am seriously done with this conversation… before I end up getting banned.

Most of us have no issues.



As you say, peace.

Pretty much changes on a week to week basis today.

If i say something i think is fine in my mind but somebody somewhere has a problem with it the very least they could do is tell me what it was. If they wont even do that then telling me to look at what i said isnt a very good solution cause in my mind what i said wasnt wrong now was it.

I learned at like 13 years old 7 years ago that no matter what i say somebody is going to have a problem with it doesn’t matter what it is… so why stress about it.


the offending statement is supposed to be included in the action email. read the last response in this my most recent temp suspension

from what i’ve discovered through the scientific method is most words can be toxic in game and someone somewhere is going to get their panties in a bunch even if what im saying is the truth. much easier to mash the report button than change behavior.

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I wouldn’t know - my account is flawless.

No mutes, silences, suspensions, bans.

This is why I’m on their first wave Alpha list… that and I’m Honor Level 2,175. I’m one of the more respectable members of the Warcraft community… always helping others, and making them feel welcome. I do feel bad for the guy - truly, I do - but the perma ban is for a good reason. Maybe he should appeal for the 7th time.

I need to prepare for TWW - so, if anyone needs me, or help - whisper me in game.

I’m always willing to assist…

Wait… was Bobos the monk that used to come to GoldShire and fly around calling people names and stuff… ??

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Bobos was a human prot warrior.

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He’s got a website dedicated to his cause :stuck_out_tongue:

h ttps://

It used to be, and you could see what you were reported for. A number of things I was reported for were completely innocent like “Inc ST / BS etc”. That’s now changed and they don’t show you anymore probably because the above would show up on you “breaking social contract” reasons.

Did I get a mute ? Yes
Did I appeal ? Yes
Did I get appeal overturned ? Yes, but with a long wait time, and had to get through Blizz AI Customer Support

That’s what I think everyone resorts to now. People trash talk me in BGs when learning a new class and playing poorly and I respond saying that im new, but will happily 1v1 them after. Lo and behold they “can’t be found” after the match and I hit them up to 1v1.

Highly likely they just reported my comment rather than placed me on ignore.

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I can see people flocking to his defense… 27 signatures.

If he keeps that site active - he’ll hit his 50 goal by the year 2035.

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can i have ur stuff?

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People definitely get muted for getting reported, i doubt people are telling people to mass report posts though, i have been muted for reasons i shouldn’t have been reported for, then appeal it and get unmuted, people 100% abuse it to mute people.