Premade SPM is Disbanding

Well guys, it’s been a good run. Kind of. After several years of dominating the battlefield and creating fair fights in what we have all come to know and love as AV, our team has unanimously decided to call it quits for the foreseeable future.

I want to thank all of you who have supported us throughout the years. Especially the pugs(most likely you). We couldn’t have done it without your willing and loving support. To all of our other fellow premades, we will not brag about our record and we do not take for granted that we have gone undefeated. We all come from humble roots and we are here to help. We do consultations.

Anyway, our journey ends here but who knows what the future will bring? I won’t lie. I’m looking forward to playing the game as an average albeit extremely talented and experienced player without playing with Mizriz curse him.

I love you all and maybe, just maybe, we will see you in AV. Just not as SPM.

Krienn out.


Krien h…how COULD you? My disappointment is immeasurable and my day was ruined.

Imma go cry in the car.


/salute Sorry to hear that.

Hope to see you in there as well! Take care <3

/salute and /skol

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Thank you for the memories.


SPM, we’ve enjoyed these many years fighting with and against you. We’d like to continue to extend an invitation to the remainder of your community a place within BSG. If you have any questions you can contact Krienn as he has already taken a position of leadership within BSG and can assist in the smooth transition of anybody that was left orphaned. Can’t wait to play alongside you all more often! GL with your turtles Miz! Just know, theres no hard feelings, no matter what Krienn says about you, we’ll remember you a most formidable adversary and way better than Krienn


the impact SPM has had on the modern premade scene and the pvp community is easily underestimated if you haven’t been playing long enough, but almost none of the modern premade communities would exist at all if it weren’t for them. GGs!


Please grow up and respect other people’s threads. You have absolutely no business in derailing/trolling people’s threads for your own entertainment so let’s be all adults here…for once and for all, thanks.


Could really care less if SPM isn’t going anywhere so your point is?


It’s been fun friends but I’m on to greener pastures

I’ve been busy playing Master Duel. A really neat game by Konami


:cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry: Please say it isn’t so!

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RIP SPM. Honestly couldn’t stand Miz anymore. Always wanting to “do things the right way”. Now that we’ve implanted Special Agent Borgitoff A.K.A. “Krienn” deep behind enemy lines our plan will go incredibly well!! Best of luck Krienn… I am sending you this secured message quickly without checking where it goes. I hope it stays…private…


I did like watching him paint, he’s very talented. Agreed GH! Smells barnyardy! :smiley:


Don’t involve me in this.

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Oh no…
Wait…Come back…


I remember when spm first started years ago, time sure flies by they def lasted longer then a lot of av premaders did/do.

Toon in today for the next episode of:

Days of Our (Epic Premade) Lives

Lorethon watches the drama do its drama thing while eating a peanut butter and honey sandwich.

That sounds good, make me one too pls! :slight_smile:

never heard of you but thank you for disbanding.