Premade SPM is Disbanding

The whole thing

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Thank you for your feedback. Going forward we will try to introduce more gy farming to help you get your bloodthirsty. Does this help?

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Yikes lol you need to exploit to get achievements?

Not really an achievement that needs exploiting… it’s one you get passively just by playing PvP content.

I got it back in 2014 back when I was still admittedly really new probably only my third or 4th year playing without a premade.

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This is good feedback. What can we offer you that would make your gameplay more enjoyable? Let me list a few things and if you could, please check the ones you like.

  • community
  • 600-0 wins
  • GY farm for 3 plus hrs to work on your rotations
  • Fun
  • High end strategy
  • Introduction to the world of premade espionage
  • Drama only a premade can make

I already know it like back of my hand.

Not synonymous with

In my eyes.

I can see most premade strats coming a mile away the problem is not strategy it’s just the fact they have a straight up better more stacked comp most of the time. When it’s premade v premade strategy doesn’t play a big role # of healers and # of fire mage or mm hunter or balance druid plays a far bigger role.

Seems like it does a lot of collateral damage to the whole game mode.

Not getting caught up in drama is usually a good habit that will never lead you astray.


But how well do you really know the back of your hand?

But is it harmonious with

“usually” is what I keep coming back to here Charmon. If I offered you my hand, would you take it if I offered to show you a new bright world of JUICY and SUCCELENT drama you never thought possible?

Thank you in advance for your feedback.

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I’m good actually. Why waste time and energy on dumb drama that has no real meaning other than to give people with nothing else to talk about something to talk about?

I’m sure to some people it is but it is the equivilent of running around in a low level area 1 shotting grey mobs… It’s not impressive and doesn’t require any effort or talent to do so i don’t feel like im accomplishing anything by doing it and therefore im just wasting my time on something that doesn’t make me feel accomplished in the end.

Pretty well as its been on me my entire life.

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In the heart of Azeroth, where gnomes roam free,
Mistwidget reigns supreme, a healer of great glee.
From the SPM tribe, his wisdom flows,
A monk who mends wounds, where the wild wind blows.

In Alterac Valley’s frosty embrace,
He tends to pugs wounded, their lives to grace.
Legendary sacrifices, whispered through the snow,
Mistwidget’s touch, a beacon’s gentle glow.

Beneath the moon’s silver veil, they gather,
Pigs of all realms, their snouts raised in chatter.
For Mistwidget tends to their every need,
A gift to Azeroth, a noble deed indeed.

And when shadows fall, and battles rage,
Mistwidget stands tall, his spirit unswayed.
“We fight in the shade,” he declares with pride,
A gnome of valor, forever by their side.

So raise a tankard, toast to Mistwidget’s name,
King of all gnomes, in healing’s sacred flame.
May his care for pigs echo through the land,
A legacy cherished, written in the sand. :star2::paw_prints:


gj chatgpt


I use chadgbg.

What exactly ws he saying though? was he “just chatty” or a massive pos in chat?

He used to get banned a lot in trade chat. I never minded him, even offered to heal for him in a non-exploitive instance a couple of times. I think others just found him annoying, I figured he was trying to be entertaining so all “I’m the best pvper in the world” stuff didn’t phase me.

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Just chatty as far as I know. I never ran into him back then but I’ve talked to him since. He’s very chatty and RPs in a fun way. I’d be surprised if he said anything bad, he’s just silly from my experience

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Name it then. Quit pussyfooting around. If you have something to say then say it please.

This is absurd.

Do you people honestly believe the kid got banned, failed several appeals… for being chatty? Do you have any idea what a person has to do to get perma banned in this game?

If being ‘‘chatty’’ were the reason - he would simply be perma muted.

It’s absolutely insane… the lies people will believe.

What’s absurd is you trying so hard to defame a person you don’t even know. We know Bobos. We also know how the system works. If you don’t believe us that’s fine. It’s a moot point then. No use wasting time trying to argue with a wall.

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Blizzard has several ways of dealing with people being ‘‘too chatty’’ or ‘‘annoying.’’

They deal out suspensions, which usually range between 3-6 hours… they’ll deal out several of these before taking the next step. They deal out mutes, and perma mutes to people disrupting chat in an offensive way. Blizzard will also hand out bans - which are usually several months. Wrongful bans do happen - but those are corrected via appeal. Perma Ban is the last option - and only handed out to people who break TOS in a more serious manner.

Players who break the TOS in one of these manners will fail the appeal process.

So, I’d suggest reading the actual report - I assure you… it won’t say ‘‘for being too chatty.’’

I can understand why a community will defend one of its members - but I am baffled that a few of you (who aren’t in their community) actually buy this. It’s all lies. I know of the guy - it was deserved.

The. System. Is. Automatic. Good day my densest of opponents. :saluting_face:

No. It’s. Not.

There. Is. NO. Long. Term. Auto. Ban. System. In. Place.

(No Auto System For Perma Bans.)

The. Appeal. Process. Is. Also. Manual.

He. Failed. Multiple.

Good riddance to him.