Premade SPM is Disbanding

Yeah… well, he’s been banned (rightfully) more times than I have been, too.

He’s not exactly a role model for children around the world.

I’ll leave it at that.

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Yes it does bloomsday. it can be abused pretty easily just as the systems in game


Nope, that’s incorrect.

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In Alterac’s icy, battle-scarred land,
Where warriors fought, both fierce and grand,
Stood SPM, with valor bright,
Defending honor in the endless fight.

With Mizriz leading, strong and wise,
Their courage soared, touching the skies,
Through every clash, and every call,
They stood as one, they gave their all.

In the heart of war, where chaos reigned,
Their devotion pure, never waned,
For Alterac, they held the line,
In every storm, through every sign.

But now the echoes softly fade,
Of battles fought, and prices paid,
SPM, a name in whispers lost,
A hero’s heart, forever embossed.

Yet Mizriz’s spirit, bold and true,
Guides every step, in all they do,
And in their quest, a noble aim,
To save the turtles, they proclaim.

For in the valley, cold and grand,
Their legacy will always stand,
With every warrior, brave and free,
Who fights with honor, just like thee.
And as they march, with hearts so pure.

They cure the furries, that’s for sure,
With laughter, joy, and spirits high,
They conquer all beneath the sky.

Krienn the mage, his power slight,
Coquette sought a stronger knight.
She wanted high DPS and might,
But Krienn fell short in every fight.


Yes, it is.

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Fellow Dregs of the battlegrounds forums,

The tides of war have shifted, and I stand before you today as the newly anointed leader of SPM, after a decisive coup that has unseated the tyrant Mizriz curse him and Krienn @#$% him from their positions. The old regime has fallen, and with it, the shackles that held our true potential at bay.

In the ashes of their defeat, we rise—stronger, fiercer, and more united than ever. We have reclaimed the reins of SPM, and with our newfound strength, we are ready to carve our name into the annals of battleground history.

To commemorate our victory and to remind our enemies of the power we wield, we will embark on a week-long campaign of absolute dominance. For the next seven days, we will show no mercy as we systematically farm the pugs in the graveyards. This is not just a celebration—it is a statement. This is a declaration to all who dare to challenge us that SPM has returned, and we are here to stay.

Let the skies thunder with the cries of our enemies, let the ground tremble beneath our boots, and let the battlegrounds be painted with the blood of our enemies.

Prepare yourselves, The reign of SPM has begun anew, and we will not stop until every pug knows the name that commands their defeat.

To victory and beyond!

Xerx - Commander of SPM


Xerx I really wish you’d have come to me about this first. I’d have just passed the reins

Didn’t have to do all the whispering and public slandering

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you coddled the pugs for far too long

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I’m still mad you left the guild :broken_heart:

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No!!! Not SPM!

I was just (almost) leveling again. But now, there is no point :frowning:

I do want to thank the peeps of SPM for all my fun times in AV, especially driving away them Hydra bastiches who were being mean to me.

Hopefully I’ll still see some of you around when I eventually come back.

Til then, peeps!

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Sorry mistwidget I just can’t do it anymore

And krienn is incapable

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As for Bobos, I’ve seen some of the actual chat logs that he and I were able to convince Blizzard to send in regards to one of his silences, and seriously, it’s pretty tame; I see much much worse every time I log in in city chat. Not that Blizzard actually points out that “this thing here? this is why you’re being punished” - it’s all deliberately vague.

Basically he just talks - a lot - in chat. And I guess that annoys peeps, and they complain to Blizzard and Blizzard just gets tired of it and eventually silences him.

Overall, I think Blizzard is just being heavy-handed and taking the path of least resistance. They can do what they want, of course, but I think it’s BS.


How can you have an SPM poem without mentioning Mistwidget?


Is okay. I’ll make my own poem. With blackjack and hookers.


I have nothing to add, just want people to read it again… thank you for your time.

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Nope. That’s just a lie people make up to absolve themselves of guilt. No one is silenced from mass reports. They are silenced because they violate the chat rules.

It’s a myth like the lochness monster is a myth.


We can always duel.

If you are running in premades in general you can’t be “coddling pugs” lmao.

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Charming premades have kept AV alive for over a decade. We carry pugs(you) to victory and create fun and loving experiences for them(you). As one of the new leaders in BSG, I’m hoping Xerx will work with me in carrying on this legacy. I’ll see what I can do from my end.

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I call 100% BS on this. Premade a stain on this game that needs to be bleached out they have done nothing but help burry this game.

This all sounds like when people realize high school is ending.
One of the little Que-syncher communities is disbanding….lets make a thread about it. A bunch of cheaters are disbanding ! Don’t worry though one of the other little Que synchers will scoop you up so you don’t have to Que alone and face real players.


Can I ask you an honest question? Where was the line?