Premade SPM is Disbanding

I would love rated epics and the reason we don’t rbgs is because most premades have 20+ people who wanna play together. If Blizzard introduced rated epics we’d do nothing but that. Pug stomping gets really boring after a while.

I have to have faith they just really like 40v40 matches and are looking for other premades to test their mettle

so why when some premades saw another in the opposite team they just dip and tell the rest to not accept the que?

why yall avoid each other, just to make 40x10 for the randoms to suffer?


2024 disband of the year. SPM was a nice RP community. I always admire that from them.


I heard they’re a buncha furries IRL


I have not heard such claims.

Guess Truthlessbro must have been triggered so bad by the disband post that it got flagged…oof :woman_facepalming:

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Well you see sometimes other teams are toxic so we avoid them to send the message “hey y’all suck as human beings so we are gonna ostracize you”. Cuz that’s how morals work.

I can confirm that Krienn has a fursona.


plot twist of the century dont mind me imma just eat snaccs while this goes down :dracthyr_tea: :cocktail: :cake: :birthday: :doughnut: :cookie: :icecream: :pretzel: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cupcake: :cupcake: :cupcake:


y u kink shaming


Here we go again

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Farewell to the soft fresh snows I say. Your gentle crunch under my feet I’ll never know again.

So long to the bleating rams. I barely knew thee

Good bye to the great and glorious Lord Ivus. I’ve watered thine roots for the last time. The blood of my enemies I’ll spill no more.

And last but not least I bid adieu even to the memories of my past adventures. For I declare that all SPM YouTube videos and twitch vods shall be deleted in a great purge. SPM was never here


That’s not how any of that works.


It’s insane what people believe… and these same people support the guy who got banned - when they know he was banned for breaking TOS. I’ve been playing this game for a long time now - I’ve never been banned, suspended or muted… I guess Blizzard just had it out for this one guy. :rofl:

There’s a reason the perma banned stuck.

Just stop, seriously.

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It defies all logic. If you could really ban anyone just by mass reporting them, why aren’t infamous players that are universally disliked forever banned? Why aren’t bots and cheaters perma banned?

I know no one wants to believe that their friend may secretly be a jerk, but that’s clearly much more likely than this weird conspiracy that doesn’t make much sense.

Suspension are not automated, and permabans definitely do not result from any automation whatsoever.


I’ve been silenced many times via mass reporting. It’s pretty ridiculous. Blizzard insists that all account actions are done via a real person and not AI. I once got a month silence for saying someone had cooties…

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No, you weren’t. That’s not how it works.

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Yeah - but the thing is - that is a mutable offense. Do I agree? No. This is why I don’t chat in game. But let’s just say - mass reporting leads to a ban - the appeal process will fix it. There have been cases of wrongful bans, which were corrected via appeal.

The person in question has failed numerous appeals. Do you really believe their claim? I’ll bet one of my vehicles he was banned for a reason… I can probably name the reason, too.

Bobos won more AV than you ever could. So of course he is innocent

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