Premade SPM is Disbanding

9 years! Quite some time.

Never knew who any of you were really except on forums, but GL in life.

Honestly I gotta say I’m kinda heartbroken. SPM was a great community. I’m sad to see it go. I’m gonna miss everyone a lot. I’m not joining BSG with some of the others. I was there for the love and community. After Bobos got banned I didn’t think I’d want to stick around. He introduced me to SPM and even after his unfair account closure he encouraged me to continue to get to know them. Ngl I really like Miz and the others (not Krienn). They really grew on me. Mistwidget and I have yet to break the news to Bobos. We are still discussing how to broach the subject. He’s gonna be devastated.

Anyway, sorry for the long rant. Just really sad and disappointed. I’ll miss everyone. Hope we can still chat in the old disc at least. Peace out premaders. I wish you all health and happiness. See you around :v::wave::heart_hands:



Thanks for all the well wishes and good vibes everyone. It’s been a long run for SPM and we swear we will never ever premade av ever again


Today is a good day

They’re just merging with another community.

Some of them you mean to say.

More then likely all the ones who just wanted free wins and didn’t actually care about the “community” or the people they were playing with. So of course those people are just joining another community in a flash.


Others will join other communities.

By the sounds of what they themselves are saying they said “some” are joining other communities and some are quiting.

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I have no idea what is going on now? SPM disbanding? Krienn and several others goin to BSG now? Is Miz being sarcastic about never doing an AV premade ever again?? I’m so lost…

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I wasn’t aware Bobos got banned. He was a legend in the game. Hopefully we see a new Bobos someday.

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Blizzard closed his account. Every time we appeal they just ignore us. He didn’t do anything wrong he’s just chatty. People were mass reporting him instead of just putting him on ignore. The system is automatic so with a certain number of suspensions it just bans you. And then after a ban or two it closes your account.

I heard last night that it’s a publicity stunt.

want some of my popcorn?

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Oca this oca that oca there oca blahblahblah. Good to know that he’s…living rent FREE in your head 24/7 :slight_smile:

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I don’t like ocra, it’s slimy…


Would you be interested in rated epic bgs? This would be so cool, it’s not fun for people who like to play solo but get into a match to be crushed by a premade. I know I should go cry more, but comon, a system like rated bgs would be awesome no? And we could give newer players and introverts a break in the pugs.


Zero chance an account gets shut down for no reason - and even if it does happen - it gets corrected during appeal. It was only a matter of time before that guy got perma banned.

I can probably list three reasons why it happened… but I won’t.

Hint: It wasn’t for being ‘‘chatty.’’


other premades, please do this :pray:

they will never admit, they organize 10 + people with one purpose in mind, stomp random teams, they could easily join a RBG but they dont want it


“They” will NEVER admit, but you’ve got the inside scoop. The REAL news.