Premade SPM is Disbanding

Just correcting a few things , have a good one as well

There you go.

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You never played with us once so we removed you for inactivity weeks ago

No hard feelings

I always said yes and you would never invite me to av and you would ask several times . Dont you dare say i never attempted . A Literal waste of time .

You always said you were busy working but I’m not good at following whispers on av nights so I coulda missed something idk

You’re not to say that when Ahrily and Oca be living in your head rent free. You bash them every chance you get.

They rarely post here yet you’re so desperate for their attention, @ them every chance you get.

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Very well thought out and articulated point KitKat!

@Xerx. How can you laugh at adults who are going through unbearable suffering in a video game because of what SPM has done to them by playing with one person they don’t like for the 2.5 hours they play each week?

SPM has made D-minus, Koddles, and toothless very very angry because they don’t run their premade the way that their premade-police-state council sees fit.

SPM are full of mean people who play with other mean people and make good people feel very very bad and unsafe which is bad. And Miz and the glorious beast Krienn refused their summons to the premade police council for interrogation!!!

So now it’s Miz’s and the noble and beautiful Krienn’s fault D-minus and Koddles are kicking people who BSG breathes upon. Definitely not a tantrum.

How can you find this funny Xerx? People like you make me feel unsafe.

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No it’s not true we made it safe with our liability announcement


Too late tyrant. The council is acting and you will regret this. The longer you hold out, the worse things will get. The council will make sure of that and it will be your fault.

For every post you make denying you being in bed with BSG, the council has decided to kick one innocent person from their very tolerant and non toxic Premade oversight discord. Mic drop like D-minus did to look cool even though it backfired on him.


they did the same in rr. never played.

btw thats actually ruthless on an alt account.

This is actually really sad :rofl: :rofl:

Glad I got my own fan hate club :surfing_man: :surfing_man:

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You yourself and blackbeauty?

i always played in RR whos your main ? Bet you were never in RR to begin with . :dracthyr_tea:

yupp he is lololol

nah dont even with me . There was many times I had days off where id say yes the minute you asked me but instead never did . I waited like 30+ min at times and no inv . Literally wasted my time I could of spammed avs in my own in that time wasted . It was multiple times . Hence why i stopped bothering there was no point lol.

Funny coming from someone who claims to be all about anti premades for the past year complaining about how epic qsyncers cheat and stuff but still joins every premade’s disc server pretending to be on the team when all you do is gossip about us 24/7…so much for being over the “drama” lmao.


I remember her joining the old sas disc, she started talking crap so we gave it back to her and she got all mad coz PK and I can talk better crap. :rofl:

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Well I guess I can just be grateful for the boot in the butt. Just wanted to chill after work and heal some nerds I’d been with for quite some time but got kicked. SHUNNED! Now I get to heal other nerds, who I can only assume are strikingly good looking IRL due to their high, high dps. Woe is me!


But… but… I’m a healz :frowning:

All are welcome to join our ranks and escape the bonds of tyranny!