Premade SPM is Disbanding

Okay so if this did actually happen…it was probably because we backfilled into a game with djl in it…and the alliance keep gate was almost down. I didn’t want to turtle to a losing cause. if my memory serves me correctly we had alot of folks waiting for us to get out. best just let it roll and move on to the next one

This seems… inconsistent…


I play hundreds of games of epic battlegrounds when im online. you really expect me to remember all of them? you kidding me? you guys are looking to flame/bash me which i understand. all good.

h ttps://

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na lmao :rofl: :skull:

Can confirm, it was gg by the time yall rolled in.

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Man, mine is so much more entertaining.

We’ve been clapping a lot of cheeks lately. Some nights they win, some nights we do.

h ttps://

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Ask RR :stuck_out_tongue: /10chars

Thanks Toothless! This pretty much sums it up.


All premades have gone ultra instinct in terms of dodging.


Where did this screenshot come from? I got a message about a screenshot, did some searching on the forums and wound up here. This is ridiculous and untrue. I have no idea how my name got involved with any of this.


Sup Lilmad’s alt…jk bad joke, sorry.


you all did that too . i could of ss it before i wasnt removed from spm discord . you guys cant sugar coat it and act like yall didnt want drama .Thats what this was about . Most of us are over the “drama” .

Dear Mrs. Reformed No Drama Lady;

You wouldn’t be responding to this post if that was actually the case.

You and RB should get a matching tattoo of ‘DRAMA’ slapped on the lower back…it’s literally your middle name after all!


This happened immediately after the first hangar wipe. You guys are something else, completely denying it ever existed but when confirmed by a respectable member you had no choice but to change your tune, and you spun the version that made you look the best.

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Wait, your nuclear shot is a made up screenshot? Just look at the phrasing of some of the things in this, it was poorly done for it to look believable lol. Yourself, Kdy, and RB should step down for the sake of your community. Tac, Infi, Bal, excellent replacements.


Imagine wasting time to make fake screenshots of a guy who really doesnt play the game anymore.

Didnt Ruthlessbro make fake screenshots of Lilmad’s wife sending him messages saying she wanted to cheat on Lilmad with him a little while ago?

Anyone standing by watching this person do this over and over again is just as guilty as him.:skull_and_crossbones:

The only reason RR still exists is 2 reasons.

1- 90% of the members never come to the forums.:face_with_hand_over_mouth:
2- The enemy of my enemy is my friend.:face_vomiting:


I see that folks from BSG are still goin at it. What can i say haters goin to hate :rofl: :rofl: :dracthyr_shrug:

You guys have a good one, try not to dwell on the past to much :love_you_gesture: :surfing_man: