Premade SPM is Disbanding

Widget! Now, if you were playing retail you could also join me in healing GLORY! I am going to have FOUR different heals to choose. LETS GO!

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Mistwidget has to play with SPM. It’s the law

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Who says I’m not playing retail? I’ll have you know I just hit level 70!

/WoW lawyer whispers in ear

What? Now it’s 80?!? Quit moving the goalposts!

/WoW lawyer whispers in ear

What? I didn’t sign no contract! You all saw me not signing it, right?

It was voted on and ratified by the SPM council

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Yeah get on it Widget. Gidget was placeholding!

Guess your plan of stormbrewing on others must have backfired badly :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

…imagine posting a guild recruitment in LFG that reads “zero tolerance for toxic behavior and drama” when it’s been just Ruthy and Decon doing all that awful stuff by themselves…hey so how’s that going so far for yall? :melting_face:

Btw, joke’s on you, SPM brewed a much better storm anyways.


Lol you wouldn’t understand my side of the story if it slapped you across the face. RR is doing just fine btw, thanks for asking.

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Toothless let me just step in here real quick since you always unknowingly step in it every time you forum spar our beloved Gwi Gwi. You are kind of sounding like one of those goths who dressed that way because his dad never understood him. Consider it another sample of my PR skills I offer in my more advanced packages.

“Hello Gwi Gwi. I am just sipping my Sanka and I’m pleased to read your comment. I understand your concern and I will bring this to our council. Just be ready for a summons, most likely when the average adult is working in the middle of the day. It’s all or nothing Gwi. Anyway, we stand by our decision in not being toxic by removing anyone you or SPM breaths upon but we only have love in our hearts for all creatures. That being said, I love your work and above all you Gwi Gwi.”


Can someone put this man in contact with a reporter from The Stormwind Post so… maybe he can tell his side of the story himself??


Actually this IS your own side of the story…is anger and resentment not that dramatic enough, no?
Perhaps it’s time to change your guild recruitment post to something like…“RR is a tight-knit guild with 300 very angry renegades who will gladly resent each other for hanging out with any goat at a given time!”


Keep up all the alliance in-fighting, but seriously most of you should join the horde and settle it on the battlefield.

There’s plenty of room in the horde, and we are growing stronger everyday.

The horde is waking up, you won’t be saved by your shadowmelds.


I’m flattered that you were thinking about me at either 3:30 am or 5:30am wherever it is that you call home. I’m also frightened by it! The level of disquietude you guys are showing is both impressive and disturbing. Your forum comments go no further than the time you spend double correcting your messaging in the early morning hours. In hindsight, we should have done this months ago.

Let his quote rattle around and scramble you guys.

“I allow manipulation to find out where my enemy wants me to go. Then I use my mind to break the trap and punish the perpetrators.”

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Oh man! You should have seen how many times Hellkitty corrected her messaging at 3:30am a couple months ago…50 times something in a single post :open_mouth:

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Hmmm… not good… to the Dark Side do these feelings lead!


Ah, Miyamoto Musashi. Classic strategery.

Before or after Miz defended you when people claimed you were BSG light D-minus?

Leave her alone, she wasn’t well. At least she had an excuse for her bad behavior, what’s yours?


Getting drunk on forums was an excuse for her behavior. But what would I know?

No one knows the truth but her. Those who did their best to be good friends to her were very sad to see her as she was. I hope she’s doing well.