Premade SPM is Disbanding

Looks like you let them win so often, it’s become a routine.


Toxic behavior that is condoned from the top. The rest of us don’t have to put up with any of it, and we don’t.


We at DJL have been using our time at night to work better together as a team. Dunno about everyone else.

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Well, yeah you guys did a solid job dodging us as a team last night lol. We even played earlier for ya


Told ya, yall are lumped in with the other unmentionables, you won’t be playing us.

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Translation: we don’t wnna get rekt and have flag of ownership on us. Qq


But why? There’s no more of a connection between SPM - BSG than there is DJL - RR. Both communities share members. The reason I say there’s more of a connection is RR has leaders from other comms in it. (which is absolutely fine, but we don’t lump you all together ) There is absolutely no leadership of SPM in BSG and vice versa. I’ve been respectful in my time in your community, you know I just want good games. If you can give me a specific reason why SPM is the same as BSG I think I could wrap my head around it? My first game ever was against DJL (Deacon Invited me, ty btw) and to this day was one of my favorite matches.


They switched from epics to dodgeball


I almost forgot, no one from SPM was in BSG until we got kicked from RR LOL, so what is the reason (SPM) we are ostracized ?


Y’all were prob wrecking djl and avm too much. They complained to rr and maybe tk threatened rb and dc to not give them powder milk anymore.

Returning to our latest episodes of As The World [of Epic Premade Drama] Turns, we see even more posts of the various communities battling it out for…reasons. Q it up folks, and get in on!

I’m going to run out of Soap Opera names, I just don’t know that many!

RR kicked someone out cause they thought they were me lol all my alts share a common name lol I had to leave RR cause someone was homophobic and leadership did nothing till i said something.


The only reason i even care for epics anymore are forums like this haha, and at the same time its also sad.


D-minus, Toothless, and Tortoise. I feel like I owe you all an apology. You believed this post and the joke totally went over your heads causing quite a spectacular meltdown where you literally blew up a 10 year alliance/friendship with a team fighting with you against BSG. I have to say this is a bold strategic move on your part and I’m eager to see how this pays off for you.

Anyway, I do apologize I put y’all in danger and I’ll be sure to put a warning or something next time I post so you know you can relax and not summon up your council to punish us. If it is any consolation, you have put a smile on a lot of people’s faces.


I can tell you that this never happened. lmao. I dont take epic battlegrounds that seriously neither do any of my leaders. we lose we move on and we reque.

Im not really sure why you’re bashing me, I was not the one that removed you from rr and the last i heard you left on your own accord for x reason. :dracthyr_shrug: :dracthyr_shrug: Kady talked to krienn and mizriz about it

I also want to point out that even tho you may have been removed or you left for x reason…it doesn’t mean you can’t still run with us. Reason why we teamed up with beary’s community brute force.

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I know that this is a joke to you krienn, but we actually brought up some serious concerns and issues the last few weeks, and every time we brought something up you guys basically slammed the door on our faces and told us to deal with it. Which created resentment and anger among deacon and the other lead’s in rr
Krienn reaction when we brought up an issue: Mizriz refuse to listen as well
h ttps://

I just want to point out that I have no ill-feelings toward spm…Hate to see the way this has gone down but it is what it is. Best of luck to you guys. seeya in the next expansion

:surfing_man: :surfing_man:


Bizarre, not what members of your own community have told me. I’m still friends with a bunch. I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt it was a one-off. Just don’t do it again please, Torture is a big girl and can handle herself. This scenario happened two days before the betrayal of Coquette!

:dracthyr_hehe_animated: :dracthyr_hehe_animated: :dracthyr_hehe_animated:


Nah I was there too. It very much happened. Deacon was ready to kick DJL’s butt at hangar even though we backfilled, and you came into RR comms to tell us to stop and let them win. We were pumped up then quickly deflated.

I just figured since you’re friends with TK you didn’t wanna hear her yammer on later in BF about being “bullied” by your team. Can’t really blame you either


RB, I strongly recommend hiring Krienn as your PR rep to get out of this one…