Premade SPM is Disbanding

It’s real and it underlines what has been happening so yea, Mic drop moment in your thread. The truth is difficult to hide. Always comes out.

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Nobody cares if yall were trolling or not. You’re in the same sandbox as the unmentionables and have been categorized accordingly. Have fun fighting pugs.

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pugs fight harder than DJL ever has


Deaminus I’m sorry. I just can’t get this out of my head. I am assuming you are over the age of 15. You don’t need to tell me. I’m am not doxxing so tell your council to relax. Let me get this straight.

You are angry because 15 players in a video game who play 3 hours a week might be playing with players you don’t like? And this is why you are going full Karen on us? Am I correct?

Am I being trolled? Where’s Ashton?


We’ve been improving as well. We’ve got a cohesiveness that’s getting games won. I am quite proud of all of the DJL players, they have come a long way. Even if they swap to alts every two minutes. :stuck_out_tongue:

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How Deac get the djl juiz

h ttps://

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I think you’ve got that confused with ocra and zeela…

Deacon, I know you have no reason to believe me and you hate people I play with (probably me included) but game and rivalry aside, whoever shared that with you is actively sabotaging you and us alike. That screenshot is NOT real and whoever created it is creating fake content


Leave me out of your shennanigans. I barely even play anymore.

h ttps://


I 100 % believe you on that, in fact I suspected you didn’t even know this occurred. It struck me as very odd that they did this. Perhaps it was just a one-off , that’s why I was hoping Deacon could explain it, cause he was there.


Actually, I’m not sure why I’m asking Deacon. He just follows orders. My question should have been directed to RB - the person who made the call. So if you’re out there RB, enlighten me please.


Dang, the “reformed no drama guy” seem to have a real penchant for creating fake disc accounts, making bogus screenshots and even hiding behind on multiple alts/accts while spamming posts just to stir more drama… It’s wild.


Dont mind me, Just sitting here drinking my coffee :coffee: :coffee: have a good day everybody

and No Urcringe isn’t me. guy bashes me every chance he gets which is fine. Haters are goin to hate. it happens :man_shrugging: :dracthyr_shrug: :zzz:

:man_surfing: :man_surfing:

Answer the question rb. Why did you tell your team to “stand down” against djl?


You guys expect me to remember a game that happened weeks or a month ago? I play hundreds of epic bg games when i am on.

:poop: :poop: sometimes i can’t even remember where i put my carkeys at. :joy:

I think it’s Toxic. Sounds like him. Always eating while talking too.

Shocked he didnt call for them all to wait in the cave


Yes, as a matter of fact I would expect you to remember an event that happened within a weeks time which you came on comms, said “Stand down, It’s Torture” Then left comms. Then radio silence from Deacon rest of the match. Unless of course this is such a recurring event it’s hard to keep track of lol.


Just put the fries in the bag bro.


One night, Karie decided to merc with DJL and after my dragon buddy killed him twice in IOC and then planted the flag of ownership on his corpse each time which caused this person to have a 2-hour epic meltdown in chat about how the flag of ownership was very toxic and then demanded an apology from my buddy or else he won’t que again.

Flag of ownership is actually one of the main reasons why DJL refused to fight against BSG ever again according to Torture.