Premade SPM is Disbanding

humor is subjective.

To me it’s no different than the other night when yourself and Coquette got stomped in AV just a day or two ago. I don’t care how many you guys had or who you were with. You will all be nothing more than players on the other side essentially. And as far as the RR members who play with you guys and then with us, it continues to be a non-issue as you see Tyranika and Elzana were not removed even though they qued against us last night. They subsequently qued with RR right after that game without any problems. BSG-Lite has already been ostracized from the community. Spin it however you guys want. Really makes no difference.

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Deaminus -man to man if I’m going to be your friend then you have to give me a bit more to work with than this if I’m going to help bring the mean bsg players to your premade police council for judgement. Man to man you need to give more evidence than a simple accusation. Send me a screenshot. Look. You’ve had a rough week. I get it. Take your time. I’m here for you. Man to man.

Can yall please upvote this post for optics purposes? You too Deaminus. Thanks.


I see that shenanigans are being shenanigained again.


just in time for the new xpac!

That week 1 is going to be legendary!

There is one thing I’m dying to know Deacon, cause I know deep down you were not happy with this yourself. Last week, IOC back fill, you were pumped that you got DJL and called for a hard hangar push. Then, RB comes into comms and says, “Stand down, its Torture.” Why was that call made? It rubbed a lot of people (in RR) the wrong way and I think this is your chance to clarify and explain your version of the win trading allegation and clear the air. Majority of your community prides itself in fair games and trying your best, not standing down to let the enemy win.


I can answer that for him. RR is DJL-Lite


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That’s the best one I’ve heard yet! I’ve got a nuclear shot I’ve been holding onto for a little while now, this probably dates a few days maybe a week or so before the creation of BSG-Lite

h ttps://

This is my kiss in the wind for you Krienn and Miz. Enjoy your new found friends.

You showed us that. It’s old news

Hence the name. BSG-Lite. Toodles :slight_smile: Since we’re sharing and all.

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A few months ago AVM called RR BSG-lite and I stood up for you


It’s great to see premade’s eat their own hahahahaha

There isn’t any win trading on our end nor do we ever expect anyone to go easy on us. We give our all to matches we play and expect the same from our opponents.

Nah they let you win. Everyone knows yall can’t win against other premades. Eew :rofl::rofl::rofl:


We win often.

Let me guess. You’re good at breakdancing too


Wait. Did you really just drop the mic? Are you sure that’s what you want to go with? Let me get this straight because I’m really trying to work with you here.

  1. You got tricked into thinking this post was real. I had to tell you it wasn’t real.
  2. Oca trolled you into thinking we merged with them despite you saying you can’t trust anything he says.
  3. you tried to summon me and Miz to a premade police council to explain ourselves.
  4. You proceed to blow up a 10 year friendship alliance with the few people who were fighting BSG with you and who stood up for you.

And that’s the picture you post? Are you sure you want to go with that?


Well sure, that does happen when you exploit to give yourself a huge advantage.

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