Premade Queue Exploit

Idk, I think Holycow is on to something. Not sure how it would be less competitive if I’m 2k MMR being matched to the same. Longer que times, but if in combination with xfaction que, should help balance it out.

Seems more equal footing.

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It would have to be with both factions mixed. Look at rss queues. Half hour for dps

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Yeah no doubt about that.

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i thought random bgs didnt matter?

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They’re horrendous because there aren’t enough healers. You can’t have full DPS teams in RSS.

In random bgs, if there aren’t enough healers, you can have teams with full DPS. You don’t have to wait for healers.

You actually can. Had it happen a few times with dps and two tanks.

In RSS, prot pallys are considered “healers”.

Don’t ask me why.

Fair enough there. Like I said mmr sounds great on paper but I see them running into problems with it for randoms. Just drop the factions and plenty of problems can be solved.

Not necessarily, but it means less time spent in a queue. Thats faster queues, more games played, and more competition overall.

Something I saw often on the forums at the launch of Dragonflight were Horde complaining about Alliance being more geared than them, because they obtained more Honor because of an honor buff they received. This of course evened out as the expansion progressed, but with cross faction queues, things like this would have a lesser chance of happening.

You could have half Alliance on your otherwise only Horde team, or have half Horde on the otherwise only Alliance team. Queueing up for a random BG as Horde wouldn’t automatically put you on a Horde team, it would just automatically assign you to any team that’s open.

I get what you’re trying to say with the MMR, but it just seems so unnecessary. Why try to further divide an already dying PvP player base? Why try to split them up on a hidden MMR?

Just drop the factions. It’s such an easy solution.


My Magni Bronzebeard skin for Torbjörn would like a word with you.


No clue what this means :joy:



They did a crossover promotion where you were able to get skins for overwatch inspired by other Blizzard games. They also added Blizzardworld, a map in Overwatch that was like a themepark based on the games. It had a little Flight to Duskwood roller coaster, the themepark was in Stormwind… This was back when overwatch was fun.

Torbjörn got a Magni Bronzebeard skin
Doomfist got a Blackhand skin
There were also some Diablo and Starcraft skins that character got as well.

I miss the days when Blizzard was fun.


Don’t forget the Illidan skin for Genji and the Tyrande skin for Symmetra.

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A group of 40 people isn’t a raid until the leader decides to make it one.

If you don’t see what I am getting at that is your problem, HOWEVER this is how the game works and NOT an exploit LoL.


if you are doing something isn’t allowed in the game that is exploiting why are people trying to lie? are people honestly that stupid? or do they just want an excuse to keep exploiting?


No that’s not how the game works XD you are allowed a 5-man group for random bg’s anything more has to be EXPLOITED to work soooo yes, it is exploiting.


The mental gymnastics are absurd. People think that because they are able to do something in the game it means that it isn’t an exploit. By that logic, there has never been an exploit in the game. There has only been things that we could do and things that we can no longer do.


The Epic BG premade players are (in my opinion) the most delusional group of players in the game.

PS Fingers crossed this possible battelground mmr coming in 10.1 throws a wrench in their queue syncing.


They are really just normal people who like to be part of a large community and get on discord with others.


packs of boyfriends treating randoms as rated. dont buy it. remove group queue.