Premade Queue Exploit

Let’s get this out of the way first:

This isn’t about groups of five or less players who queue together into a random BG. It’s an intended use of the queue system; and while it may give an advantage to one team if not matched with an opposing premade, it’s typically not an insurmountable challenge. As far as I know, the matchmaking algorithm does attempt to pair premade vs premade, which is easier/faster to do when it involves smaller groups queuing at variously distributed times.

The problem:

When a premade of up to 40 players queues for an epic, the probability of an equivalently-sized opposing premade simultaenously queueing is not very high. What then happens is that after a certain amount of time the matchmaking algorithm, after failing to successfully match premades, simply matches this premade against mostly (or all) randoms. The result is nearly always unequivocal domination.

Furthermore, raid-sized premades are exploiting the design of the queue system. There is a REASON why Blizzard implemented a five person limit to groups queueing into battlegrounds: anything greater than that is highly disruptive to the competitive experience of opposing players. For the sake of parity, and the ease of just being able to enjoy content via random queue (i.e., not searching for a raid group) this really needs to be addressed before it gets even more out of hand.


Yes we needed another thread on this.



Being able to count to 40 should be a required skill for posting here.


How about one thread for every premade?


Is that how long the countdown is?


It’s the number of players involved (35*, or 79 if you want to count both teams minus one). Specifically, you’d think people Q up to large group content wouldn’t desire the opposite of the intended experience, but I keep forgetting that the usual larks just want to get carried after school. There needs to be a litterbox for these kinds of players. I’d say it’s PVE or comp stomp, but from what I see, they suffer in those modes too. There’s nothing to be done but clean up after their mess.

snide aside, this game seriously needs a tutorial. the only way to learn is to get slaughtered


With all of the historical comedic shenanigans around both random BGS and Epic BGs it would be a fun project to work on. For promotion purposes of course. :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

Let them keep making them.

They provide me amusement.

The likelihood of forum vacations increases from spamming threads.

Nothing else changes.

It’s a win/win.


counting backwards from 5 is exploiting now? next week it will be using your hands to play wow.
“ they obviously have an advantage using all their fingers to click defensive cooldowns im forwarding this to hacks@ blizz”


I agree.



Very true.


Which is why I said “up to 40.”

As far as group content is concerned, it’s not that most people who queue for epics don’t want to queue into a group, strategize, and contribute as a member of a team; it’s that they want to queue into relatively evenly matched groups. This isn’t always possible though because a premade has a number of advantages over PUGs:

  • Experienced RL (some with MANY years reiterating different strategies)
  • Often on VC
  • More organized coordination and communication (even when not on VC)
  • Often better geared
  • Often consisting of a guild that can better utilize the strengths of each player
  • Capable of forming specific compositions

These are just a few examples, but because of factors like these, premades are capable of successfully implementing strategies that are much more difficult to coordinate with PUGs, and/or can also outright dominate teamfights. For example, even if 90% (to be generous) of a PUG raid is onboard with a strategy and following instructions, just having 10% off doing their own thing and not contributing puts you at even more of a disadvantage in an already unfavorable format.

It’d be analogous to queueing for RSS, except you get matched against a premade 3v3 team. I’m not sure why it even needs to be explained that this is unfair. I’m guessing most people already know this, but don’t want sync-queue removed because they–for whatever reason–enjoy uncontested victories in epics.


When premade raids are playing mini-games of “sync queue / drop queue / requeue” to circumvent the premade size restriction, yes they’re exploiting/cheating.

It’s hard to believe anyone truly thinks that premade raid vs. pugs is a fair match, especially in a bracket that’s not supposed to have premade raids.


Most do not do this.

Maybe it’s time blizz drops the restriction. They don’t seem to stop it.


this is a lot of words just to say “I lose a lot, and I won’t do anything about it.”

like yeah, some teams are better, blizzards attempt to hold bads hands doesnt help them, it only hinders. allowing people to play the game will allow people to win, but at this point people are just arguing for brainless carry content and I don’t care for it. If you’d like a nice little environment for you to blend away in, there’s everywhere else to do that. But if you’re asking for an easy way in, and out, you’re gonna suffer for it at every step of the way.


Not that I’m against breaking 20-40 man premade groups, but it’s not exploiting. Is it screwing over the queues they’re leaving to wait for backfill? Yeah, it is. Is it unfair that a pug has to fight against a premade? Of course it’s unfair. It’s not exploiting though.

An easy, effective way to break any and all premades without a complicated, extensive solution though would be to enable cross faction queueing in random BGs. It’s so simple, really. Premades try to sync queue, they all get a pop, and suddenly half of them are on the enemy team. It’s perfect.


That would actually be fun and make me want to premade.


They’re taking advantage of a flaw in the system to gain an unfair, competitive advantage. They’re circumventing the premade size restriction to gain an unfair, competitive advantage.

Exploiting/cheating, whatever term you want to call it.


claiming your skulls isn’t really competitive

Playing the game isn’t cheating, either. Next you will say “communicating better than me” is a sin of others. Jealousy and envy are a deadly combo, I wouldn’t let it get to you like that.

eventually it will be at the point that even trying or excelling is exploiting. doing better is exploiting, getter better key times is exploiting, etc, etc, whatever excuse you gotta do stave off that bathroom mirror for your house. The fact of your problems is that even under presumed ideal circumstances, in a hypothetical better game, you’d still suffer and lose.


the only reason Blizzard hasn’t done anything to prevent this is because not enough people actually care about EPIC BGs. They’re also never going to take action against anyone’s specific account before they make an effort to prevent the Q-syncing or publicly say not to do it and upgrade the TOS.

the majority of players Q’ing epic are deciding to Q epic for their daily conquest/honor or weekly quest, because a singe player has less of a direct impact on an outcome of a match in a 40vs40 map than on a 10vs10 or 15vs15 map. or they want just want to semi-AFK and watch something on another screen or tabbed out.

some people like epics because you can make special builds tailored for EPICS to do more AOE / cleave dmg

most of these people are going to just afk out if they’re aware the other team is a premade whose going to drag out the game intentionally to farm HKs and know their team is significantly weaker. or they’ll participate in the tug of war style battle until they get bored. some people are oblivious that the other team may even be a premade and just assume their team is terrible.