Premade Queue Exploit

Yea idk what that was about :joy:

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While that might be possible, most premade groups here don’t. The ones that sync/drop queues don’t care if they’re screwing over another game by dropping the queue and giving that game they left a disadvantage by waiting for backfill.

And the fewer premades there are in the game, the healthier the queue as well.

No premader can sit here and tell me that it’s fair for a pug to fight against a premade. A premade has the advantage because of the fact they’re more organized, can pick and choose which class/specs to run in the battleground, and can pick those more geared. It’s still unfair, they’re going to win a majority of the time unless they’re bad.

I’d suggest though, instead of people strongly advocating against premades and giving Blizzard no solution to fix it, advocate for cross faction random BG queueing. This is a healthy solution that fixes a lot of problems, not just premading.

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Blizzard should add a hidden MMR. Premades and geared/skilled players will rise to the top and fight against each other.

If queue times are bad, enable cross-faction teams.


See though, that’s just another complicated system for them to try to balance and add. Blizzard already doesn’t put in any resources into battlegrounds, why would they take the time to add that? The solution below:

Is such an easy fix that requires no real work on their end. They have the foundation, it works just fine in Rated BGs, cross faction teams in random BGs is probably as simple as changing a few lines of code.

They already have the system in place for rated BGs.

They just need to make the MMR hidden from players.

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Then they’d need teams to queue. No solo queue.

They can borrow from the RSS system too.

Fill teams with the same MMR. Match teams with the same MMR.

I think just losing the factions is a better idea.


Losing factions doesn’t make games more competitive.

You might still have geared/skilled players/premades on one side but not the other.

MMR works in rated Bgs because you queue as a team/pick your roles and specs. MMR works in solo shuffle because they literally shuffle teams. It’s nothing like regular Bgs. Your idea is good on paper but wouldn’t really work like it does with the other systems.

Hidden MMR is what they use in Overwatch for casual games so they’re more fair/competitive.

Overwatch is nothing like wow

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I’m saying they already have systems for filling teams with certain roles (e.g. RSS and LFRs) and then matching them by MMR (arenas, RSS, and RBGs).

You can meld aspects of everything to get it together. You don’t have to start from complete scratch.

Then it can’t be solo queued unless they shuffle the teams.

They don’t need to shuffle the teams.

The MMR is hidden so you don’t have to worry about rating/achievements/rewards.

The hidden MMR improves matchmaking so games are more competitive. Other games do this too.

And if you constantly get the worse specs your mmr is lower. No thanks

If your MMR gets lower, you’ll eventually start winning.

You don’t see your MMR. Nobody else can see it.

Sounds not very competitive tbh

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Not to mention solo shuffle queues are horrendous because of mmr and that’s only 4 dps

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