Premade Queue Exploit

Unfortunately, I don’t think 40-man rated matches would turn out well.

There wouldn’t be that many teams, which would make it extremely easy to sync queues or dodge a stronger premade.

Inevitably, premade communities would abuse these rated matches for easy gearing/rating/rewards.

Hence “It would be a bit much.”

I think they should have something like that in every bracket. Wouldn’t work now because so many have quit.

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Unless they start taking punitive action against players abusing the queue, or the tech to disable syncing altogether, then this is the only option.

The people who suggested this change think there should be matching of groups based on some sort of background rating. So both groups could be about equal in strength, instead of totally random.

Simple solution is just cross faction BGs and that would disrupt the sync queue’rs. They can fight all their friends ! but you know they would QQ about it.

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What would be really bad is if they make good on their threat — they’ll throw the game on the side with fewer members.

Im sure the team throwing would get tired of that very quickly. But if that does end up being a reality how pathetic would that actually be.

How more toxic can you get, not to mention it would probably fall under win-trading and bannable I think.

But these are sync que’rs so I wouldn’t put it past them.


Same principle as win-trading, but fairness is obviously inconsequential for unrated PvP. Which raises three questions: why does PvP content need rating in order to receive developer attention? Is participation in random BGs so low that it warrants neglect? And if so, is participation low because of this neglect?

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This premade thing has to stop now. Recently we have seen many full 40-man premade groups with 12+ healers.


Don’t bring Alliance into it. Only a Horde thing.

It’s been six months since the OP, and as predicted, the problem has only gotten worse. I don’t queue for BGs anymore; just logged on for the first time in over a week and was on for less than an hour. Typically, I’d be doing epics and random BGs for many hours, but it’s just not fun anymore.

Maybe it’s for the best. Unrated BGs have been a derelict game mode for two expansions, with archaic maps, untuned NPCs/vehicles, and no more faction war. Premades, which also plague other declining games, are just the final nail in the coffin.

June 7, 2005 - October 5, 2023



There were a crap ton of games tonight, much like every night. Perhaps it’s best if you take a break if a game has you this shook.

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So…see you in 10.2? :slight_smile:

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It’s not me. It’s you.

Is it though? You get triggered at literally every premade thread. You’ve “whined” more than me in my own thread, and that’s not counting the hundred or so of your other condescending mumblings. It’s likely this same insecurity that compels you to premade in the first place.

You can’t stomach ~50/50 odds and/or overcome other people’s mistakes. You HAVE to win ~90% of your games by ruining (no pun intended) other players’ experience, and then complain when that’s called that out for being unfair and damaging to the spirit of WoW. It’s this sort of degenerate, toxic mindset and gameplay that needs to end.

These premade communities aren’t like raids, where everyone works towards a common goal and has fun by killing an NPC. On the contrary, the former is about extracting joy from other players’ misery. While that is sometimes an element of PvP, it’s only healthy for the game when it goes both ways.



Premade raids vs. random pugs are completely one-sided games. It’s not competitive at all. It’s not a mystery who’s going to win before the gates even open. The HKs differential is ludicrous.

Premade raids have turned their PvP into PvE. Guaranteed, easy wins like LFRs. There’s the added element of some sort of superiority complex because they’re dominating other players (who aren’t circumventing restrictions to rig their games btw). Thus, some premade raiders keep telling themselves these are fair games as they roflstomp random pugs.


That much salt isn’t good for you, brother.

raid bosses don’t QQ all over the forums, pvp is pvp.

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