Premade Queue Exploit

But rises again, stronger and harder.


It’s frustrating isn’t it? Like queueing into a premade.

1 month later

Oh, we know… you’re an expert at counting to 31.

Bro you know it, and I know it; not all months are equal. So let’s not freakin pretend they are

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incase you need some help im referring to you necroing an old thread instead of replying to the 1000000000 anti premade threads that are already up

True, true. There’s only one that matters. It has 31 days, so that’s the standard.

We need 13 28-day Months! Sign my petition.

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That actually makes sense. Could we give them names that correspond to their sequence too? I mean, explain this to me:

Septem = seven
Octo = eight
Novem = nine
Decem = ten

There were 10 months. Then the Roman’s stuck in two extra for Julius and Augustus Cesar. July and August. threw off the count

Despite this behivour (premades) is sick, and should not even exists, I dont see any way to Blizzard resolve the problem…

They cant deny you to queue. They cant ban someone because the person want queue.

There some solutions that should make it more difficult to exploit, and should be implemented on server side, but… It would certainly increase significantly the wait to find games.

For example, allow a max of only one premade by match each side. It would make it impossible to exploit the queue system.

In that way, when the next premade join, it will be “delayed” for the next match. And so on.

Ofc that solution would bring really long queues to everyone.

July and August were actually just renamed. It was January and February that were added.

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You are wrong. The model is bad. It’s a “potential hill” in physics terms. The winners are awarded the means to win more.

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There were always 12 months.*

The reason for the naming inconsistency is in earlier Roman times March was the first month before it was changed to January, meaning September - December were originally the 7th-10th months and Jan/Feb were 11th/12th.

July and August also used to be named after their original sequence: Quintilis (quintus = fifth) and Sextilis (sextus = sixth).

* There’s a legendary earlier calendar that allegedly had 10 months. According to that account the “added” months were January and February.

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dont worry they also do it in rbgs. just alt f4 before you zone in and the other team gets an instant win + ranks. how do you think so many got to high rating? there is even a discord for it

They had it right the first time, with March being first, and the names Quntilis and Sextilis. Here we are, arguing about premades, when the real problem is our calendar :laughing:

Everything should be based on 10’s. Even minutes and hours and seconds. Makes unit conversions way easier =b

There are those who have suggested that all PvP should be cross faction, that players should be distributed randomly, that parties that attempted to queue sync should be distributed on both factions.

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I would love to see 40 man rated matches.

Yeah, yeah. I know its a bit much but…it would be kewel!