Premade Queue Exploit

I think you’re right. It has something to do with the pool of players on either side. I think that’s why on weekends or holidays alliance can seem to uptick on wins/better players, because their pool size, and therefore chance of quality, has improved.

Generally speaking I think horde has better strategists and/or regular players who understand how to play eBGs. Their pugs also seem to have ~a little~ less defeatism than alliance. Apparently there is some time slot when horde really suck at eBGs, but i guess I don’t play then. :stuck_out_tongue:

Also, my guess is most of the alliance whining on the forums about ‘premades’ are the exact same ones who totally suck at eBGs and basically need to be carried. The strange thing is they don’t seem to want to join alliance communities to improve their odds.

The frame couldn’t handle the mog o no :sob::skull::sob::skull::sob::skull::sob:

Gnome mogs have always been the most powerful, even since vanilla. That’s how they can wield such massive weapons.

His face is so awesome it would break the internet so Blizz spared us.


You should be sealed in a case that reads break glass only in the event of war.


I am probably around 3 million kills I got the 25000 back in 2013

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lmaooooooooo :skull: :sob: :skull: :sob: :skull: :sob:

Maybe more to do with the available choices than not wanting to join one. Your character gets painted with the the reputation of the group you run with. They’re kind of a necessary evil until Blizzard figures out how to prevent them. Choosing not to participate is often just choosing to lose. The challenge is finding one that doesn’t exploit or abuse players. There’s one I like on Horde side that I join for a month or so at a time until I burn out.

Add me if you wanna specific queue AV with SPM


And here I thought my 657,031 HKs was impressive. You are at 1,443,258. #33 in the US, #96 in the world. There’s always a bigger :fish:

HKs lost any meaning once players started running with premade raids to quickly farm them.

You see players with 1+ million HKs and it’s like… grats on AOEing AV graveyards for months on end?


Honor level is a better metric than hks lol

Most of my account’s 500k+ or so came mostly from wpvp. Believe it or not, there used to be a time where it was super active.

Yet another reason to only pair premade vs. premade, or bg achievements and kills will be further devalued… from whatever subjective value they had in the first place. Maybe Bliz would even feel comfortable finally adding 500k and 1 mil HK achievements.

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If players just followed leaders direction and didn’t randomly go off doing whatever there really is no difference versus a premade. If people defended objectives and worked together for objectives there would be no difference really. I take Yoggy for example on the alliance. It didn’t matter how many pugs he had he led them they got to trust him then they kept winning. If you get a good leader and they tell everyone what to do and everyone worked together versus solo artists off doing non objective stuff it would be not much different than a premade.


Other than the voice chat coordination.

And possibly stacking your team with healers, meta specs, and more geared players.

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yeah but chat merely shaves a few seconds off versus typing, If premade are stacking healers and geared players than yes it would cause issue. I just know Yoggy won Alotta premades simply because he led and people pretty much fell in line …of course a few always do whatever they want

Hydra was terrible though. They wouldn’t last against any of the premades on either faction these days. Pretty sure they died out in Legion, now it’s Zeela making veiled recruitment threads trying to get someone to carry her in bgs.


Battleground Commander, can find it on CurseForge, Wago, WowUp, and GitHub.

It also lets you pay attention to the game. You don’t have to stare at the chat box so you don’t miss something important.

Lots of messages scroll by in AV. You have NPCs yelling stuff. You have people leaving and joining the game. You have honor getting earned and items getting looted. It’s easy to miss stuff in chat.

It may not even be purposefully stacking. If someone thinks their premade raid needs more healers, they might decide to play their healer without anyone saying anything. And premade raiders are probably more geared than random pugs. And they’re probably playing more meta specs compared to random pugs.

Those are significant advantages over a random pug team. More healers. More gear. More meta.