Premade Queue Exploit

Oh yes for sure. I’m installing addons, paying developers, and making 40 people pre-made to ensure I can’t lose

Never said you paying developers…Just said developers have ties with premades, paying subcontrators… had seen it before… Most subcontractors working for WoW are from south America… working remote

YOu said it Not me…

and Yea. I stand by what I said… Devs don’t like it they can prove me wrong They do have ties with premades. Its old news

Where do you order your tin foil hats? I’d like one too please

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20 not-good pugs will easily cause an epic BG to fail. My guess is you don’t play many?

5 not so good pugs will often fail too, why assume those 5 are good?

OK. What i was trying to understand is which direction your experience is from. If your complaint is coming from playing alliance I sympathize in that - if you’re seeing this same pattern of verifiable premades (name/community/guild recognition) - you’re probably playing during a time of day when larger horde premades are strong. Anecdotal but i have never seen a 30-man horde premade from the same guild. However, it is very, very difficult for an actual pug to beat a premade of that size.

My advice is to join an alliance premade community. Or try playing at a different time of day. I’ve found it is more difficult to win epic BGs on alliance side when pugging, even against horde pugs.


You don’t get my point. You brought up countering. I would wager you play few epic BGs because you seem to have no context.

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Yup. No one ever notices when the five man preform all from the same guild loses to a pug. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Well eventually no one is going to queue anymore, I’m about at the end of the rope personally. I know I’m not the only one. You premades are going to have to actually compete against each other for once.

When you solo queue healer a lot you see it lol. It just takes a couple good dps and a good healer to break them a lot of times. Same can’t be said for 20 player premades.

My perspective is almost entirely as Alliance, except when queueing near an active merc npc. It’s a challenge just to break even. There’s an unusual amount of confusion over strategy, and teamfight dps/hps is abnormally low, even for Alliance. Queueing into a premade just compounds the problem.

I’ve decided to just take a break from epics for now, which sucks, because the huge battles they offer is the closest thing War craft has to actual war. All of the objectives in play, troop movement, siege options, etc. remind me of the days of playing against my friends in WC2 over P2P dial-up… except now I’m the unit, and also incredibly old.

Regardless, it was convenient to just be able to press a button and join an epic without getting stomped by premades on an increasingly common basis. I’m sure I’ll get the itch again soon enough, and maybe I’ll even be open to joining a premade community. However, I feel as if it just defeats the convenience, principle, and purpose of solo queue. If it involves VC and/or waiting around for a raid to form then I’d rather just do RBGs against relatively evenly matched opponents.

Lastly, if anyone thinks they can escape this in other MMOs, I have some bad news.

SWTOR, 3/29/2023


I don’t know what it will take for Bioware to get it through their thick craniums that allowing premades to dominate the SOLO QUEUE is the worst idea they ever had…

If this continues, pvp season 2 is going to be a complete waste of content, but hey, that is nothing new, right?

Add content so that a small minority of the game’s population can ruin the fun for the vast majority, and despite complaints, Bioware does absolutely nothing, and maintains their silence about it at the same time…

Well, in the end, the pvp queue will die and when Bioware realizes that the queue is dead, it will be far too late to salvage the situation, but again, this is nothing new.


Will Bioware listen?

I highly doubt it as anytime good advice is given, it goes right into the trash bin.

GW2, 7/2/2022

Premade Parties and Matchmaking

In the vast majority of cases a VC party will stomp a pug team using the match-making feature as individual. Premade parties are most likely using VC. VC against pugs is absolutely dominating since speaking can be done while fighting and it’s either typing or fighting… And the presence of Discord makes it extremely easy for a group to use a VC as there’s none of the setup required that things like Ventrillo or Teamspeak requires. And while those two were the only game in town when GW2 was made the world has progressed and we now have options that were never even a conceptual idea when the game was made and it has to adapt to the new technology. The solution imagined at that time is no longer applicable and new solutions have to be made.

I know it’ll result in longer queues, however, I would happily take longer queues over getting into a fight fast and then getting absolutely rofl-stomped by a team using VC that signed up as a party. While I’m, sure this kind of easy victory is great fun for the party on VC, there’s no fun in it for me on the recieving end, and I doubt I’m the only one that feels that way, as the short wait just leads to a huge waste of time.

I already know what some will respond with, and that’s get your own party and use VC. Whenm I’m playing Unranked that should never be needed as that’s the place to test things out. I’ve no incentive to do anything Unranked in sPvP beyond my dailies as I, depending on time, have a high risk of wasting my time. There’s no space to improve myself or learn from my mistakes as any 1v1 fight often turns into a 2v1 fight where I get absolutely roflstomped because they’ve called for assistance.

People should have an equal challenge. Using the match-making feature as individuals should mean that you only ever get to fight individuals that have done the same. Parties that have signed up using the match-making feature should overwhelmingly get to fight other parties since they’re most likely also using VC pr the description of how an arms race works.

I get why it turns us into a different race, (to preserve the faction vs faction identity for RP nuts) but it should allow us to choose which race we want to be, so long as our class is able to become that race.

If they decide to make battlegrounds cross faction, brawls should be the only thing in the game that remains as faction vs faction and merc mode should only be applied to brawls. They should also allow you to queue cross faction for brawls so long as you’re in merc mode. (i.e, if the leader is Alliance, the Horde in party have to be the ones with merc mode enabled)

And create more premade raid vs. pugs games?

That’s exacerbating the problem.


Somnix, i wish you the best. Maybe a break is what’s needed. It can be very frustrating to try to win only playing with pugs. But that’s why both factions have epic BG communities.

If you want horde to not be able to premade, then you’re saying alliance shouldn’t premade as well - which would be detrimental to having much fun on alliance side, period. Full solo queue alliance pugs vs. the same for horde would not turn out well for alliance, imo.


Look through my post history and you’ll see i’ve always been in favor of some sort of balancing. I would prefer to see premade vs. premade with as close a numbers match as possible. Someone had a great suggestion that there be two separate queues:

  • one queue for solo players who want to ONLY play with and against other solo queuers,
  • a separate queue for groups and solo players who don’t mind playing with groups.

^This and/or cross faction queuing would probably solve a lot of the problems people have with pugs having to face ‘premades.’ And by pug i mean a team consisting of 40 randomly solo queueing people.

Wanted to add the first option for solo queuers only would likely NOT turn out that well for people who say they want it.


Premades should be eliminated from random ques period. Idgaf about you playing with your friends, you can do dungeons and raids with your friends where your organization doesnt hurt other players enjoyment. Eliminating the ability to que for a specific bg would help some too


Nah I’ll keep playing the game how I want and you can adapt or keep crying about it. Either way, don’t really care much.


This is unfortunately true. I don’t know why. Maybe because the pool of players is so low in comparison or maybe they’re just not experienced at epics.

I always look at honor levels to get a guess at experience level. I’m 400+ from almost exclusively world PvP and epic BGs. Thousands and thousands of epic matches across all my characters, and I’m still learning new things. Epic BGs have specific things that have to be done or countered for consistent victory. Experienced players and premades do them, everyone else just does PvP and hopes for the best.

If I’m the highest honor rank on my team and the other side has a bunch higher than me then I don’t have a lot of hope. I like to see at least 5-10 over honor 250 or so but even that could be arenas or regular BGs. If most of the team is 100 or less then it’s probably doomed.


I thought Alliance has more players queuing up in DF.

Is there an addon that helps you do that?

400+ honor level is really high. Most PvPers are below that.

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I have about 10 active characters on both sides and always have, since vanilla when you needed 2 accounts to do that. So when Blizzard made honor account-wide my honor level shot up. But it’s all just world pvp and epics on a bunch of characters.