Premade Queue Exploit

Not that outlandish. Back in Wildstar some of my friends infiltrated a developer IRC chat where they were divulging information to players that they shouldn’t have access to.


You’re absolutely full of it lmao. The game was terrible after launch and they consolidated servers due to population drop post-launch while they fixed the game and population has rebounded drastically, just like FFXIV.

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Key word: majority.

Hope we not talking about SWTOR :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: There’s more excitement at a funeral home. You Premades are Funnyyyyy that game is so unpopulated thanks to premades that you can heard needle drop :joy:

What? lol

It’s not a “version” lol…it is reality.

No need to doubt, it is what it is lol.

Source: Trust me Bro.

Go level and stop trolling the forums.

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Yeah exactly, you must have something to back up your claim?

Totally not made up at all.


Hey bud, what’s the addon called?

I just googled if I got the spelling incorrect. But I didn’t. Try again bro :smiley: You will win against me one day :wink:

Double Checked: I mismatched Councilor / Counselor.

Apologies… ahem… Is that what you tell your Counselor?

No one can actually answer your question.

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At this point the only reason I can think for anyone to defend premades being matched up against random solo players is that they want the easy, no challenge wins. There’s simply no logical reason to support PUG vs premade. It’s not healthy and there’s a reason pretty much every game out there tries to put groups against other groups.

What is healthy is having the majority of matches be competitive matches that aren’t over until the very end.

Those who want to continue to stomp PUGs in a premade will eventually find themselves without a PvP community to queue against. As time goes on WoW has become less PvP focused and more PvE focused and part of the reason are the multiple flaws in the PvP systems in the game that drive away existing PvP players and make it harder for new players to get into PvP.

The last thing we want to do is push out the remaining few percentage of players who are PvP driven, which is precisely what matching premades vs pugs has been doing. It was unhealthy for the game back in 2004 but at least then world PvP was the major driver for PvP players.
Now we don’t really have world PvP, there’s lots of other games with better PvP, and WoW’s battlegrounds use basically the same matchmaking system in 2023 as they did in 2004 with the only real differences being region-wise queues and role selection and the ability to queue from anywhere.

But I am sure someone will tell me to “git gud and make a premade” which just makes the problem worse in the long run. If I wanted to play in a premade I’d do rated battlegrounds or world PvP, not randoms. But that’s just me. I guess I prefer more even and hard games.


I’m sending Ion all my CurseForge points


Merc mode should be added to the PvP interface and allow players to opt in (similar to WM). You should remain your actual race. A “mercenary” doesn’t artificially transform in order to accept a contract. This is particularly applicable given the increasing amount of lore in which the two factions cooperate, even to partake in intrafactional combat.

This is also already possible within DF wPvP areas, and in the past was done via Ordos and N’Zoth. Do that, and only match premade vs premade.

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Yo, what’s the addon called bud?

Developers need to put an end to this Compromise Queue System… Everyone is getting real tired about this issue… One of the old timers said Since Vanilla this issue as been address.

Oh looks whos talking… The one who needs a group to defeat random players… Discord, Healers, Tanks and a whole lot of dps… but Wait! YOu just said Addons too :rofl: