Premade Queue Exploit

Classic Response from premades.

You ppl are predictable

Oh yeah let me just tell the developers that I have on speed dial to make sure you always fight pre-mades

I’ve joined a premade before that cheered for spamming aoe on a flight master and 60 v 2.

I was in an epic where some dude was gloating because they were farming pugs, I asked how many of them were in discord and I got a whisper of 35.

Some of these people think standing in a blob spamming aoe is pvp, some of them have played the same class for 10+ years and only can do a pve aoe rotation.


Cmon man, give us a name… I make it easier for you… Which one of the subcontractors you premades have on the payroll??? you know some of them are from developing countries working abroad… and You know as well everyone is Easy to transfer money through this game…
So through us a name man…

I’m against premades and all but holy crap you’re on something man. This is such a stretch to think they have developers on their side and have some insider knowledge or protection. Yikes. :grimacing:


Of course you do, haha.

It is.

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Apparently we do…it’s a problem for the majority of players. Making the game miserable so 10% of players can have their fun wrecking pugs is not a good business model.


We really don’t though.

Majority of epic players belong to communities that preform. That’s why community vs. community matches are quite common.

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The issue is There are 10millions subscribers, 239 servers Maybe more… No need for premades to go against Random players or solo as you want to call it

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It happened in SWTOR. The game used to have 23 servers. Devs started to listen to premades and taking feedback from them and now the game has gone from 23 servers down to 4 servers.

Majority? What % that ques epic bgs belong to an epic bg community?


No is one small Community dominating 9.99 million subscribers Thanks to developers. Everything that happens in pvp affects pve.

In this version of reality, are you a musician or a famous actor?


I’m part of a couple communities but mostly solo queue or just queue with my husband.

Lol what?

What you confused about?

They reply doesn’t match what I wrote.

You said what % that queues epics are part of a community. I shared that I am but mostly don’t queue with them. I’m sure that goes for others as well.

So you didn’t answer my question at all and made a random statement?

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