Premade problem

I think it was how they made the crafted patterns difficult and didn’t include tier in honor, it created a good power gulf and I just seem to get drawn into them on all my chars. I don’t know, it was going well then it wasn’t.

Did you also mention that he’s now your twin brother?!

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that’s the stupidest thing i have heard today XD what does that even have to do with full 10 mans in randoms and full 40 mans in epic bgs? you are just trying to insult like a small angry child

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He was a BElf so I explained in this version I was the handsome one. I told him the story before he selected it, we used to play a lot together. My BElf is an homage to his typical character, he had a harem of blonde female belf paladins.

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nice big word but wrong context XD but props for trying this isn’t a spelling bee though so either put in your two cents or move on :slight_smile: thanks

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You could post what you wrote on the elden ring subreddit and people would 100% think you were crying about invaders.

And not everyone who groups with 1-2 friends is full premading bgs. That’s lame af but queueing in 2-5 is fine and a game mechanic.

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lol you are just assuming things now XD not surprised though i have played every souls game to exist besides Sakiro lol and i LOVE invading and being invaded it’s the whole reason i play those games beside the epic lore maybe instead of trying to insult say something constructive and thoughtful or maybe just move along :wink:

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I think it’s power differences leading to this, more a problem with the queue system than one from premades. People should be able to group with friends even if it means some will exploit, I just hope they keep the gear gaps small enough where the grouping advantage is minimized. Give me that and a group of randoms and I’ll fight at a disadvantage. That was how it was for years, I was OK not having a good w/l.

I think you’re bad and mad because of it, at best. At worst, you’re trolling.

if they want to allow it then they should go against other premades or put in gear brackets there is zero excuse that a group of randoms wanting to try out some pvp should have to go against a whole discord group of sweaty childish tryhards


I don’t think most are like that, I haven’t looked in a long time but you used to see them in LFG. They’re just geared guys grouping, which can be enough to create strong imbalance given a lot of undergeared players. The queue system is mostly fifo, it definitely attempts to match healers and teams it’s just imbalance in people queuing can create these observed mismatches.

I think they could reduce team size to 3 it wouldn’t break my heart but I’d fight it being any less if I were here and would suggest it’d be better if they fixed the queue system and allowed more people to queue together possibly. 10v10 sounds cool, they can limit sizes to 10, 15, 20, 40 for larger queues if they didn’t just stick the individual players in missing gaps.

The only thing that could save random bgers at this point is segregating accounts that have high rated exp into their own queue, which outside of queue times would probably be really fun lol

And that still doesn’t stop fresh accounts from “smurfing”

The player skill discrepancies in this overtuned damage meta is just really unforgiving in random bgs. No one cares about the 5man zuljin premade who trinket saps and send their full go into a cycloned target and ps nothing
The 3 man from tich that’s tracking trinkets and drs and not overlapping defensives is significantly more lethal and causing a lot more random bger tears than any 5 man group that isn’t executing well


That’s because PVE isn’t competitive. It’s cooperative.

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I had one of those on my team the other day, I was thinking how bad I’d feel if I were the other team. I think the other team had a premade as well, they did good at first but ended up in their own GY.

Working with your team isn’t too far of a leap between the mediums. My point is that crying about the other team cooperating better is no real argument, beyond “I am bad, I am mad, please help me, please nerf enemy.”

If this idea is beyond you, maybe you can’t help yourself, idk

That’s different. Sync queueing isn’t cool.

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What if the monsters sounded an alarm on your first encounter, the entire dungeon rushes and kills your healer, cc’ing the tank, before moving on to the dps and finally the tank. That’s the difference.

There is no other team in your PVE example.


Oh, don’t get it wrong, the content is different. There’s no contention there…

I just want to hammer it home that the enemy team is what’s stopping you in player versus player combat, for the very same reasons that they’d probably do better than you in PVE, too.

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How are they going to ban queue syncing when people do it via discord? Nothing blizzard can police.

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