Premade problem

Blizzard please do something about this it’s always Tichondrius how are you allowed this to happen for soooo damn long fix it already


Just because 5 people are from tich doesn’t mean it’s a premade lmao


Never seen anyone from tich do anything well. Now Sargeras, that’s a server that can premade.

On the actual point, Its an mmo, people make friends and those friends like to play the game together, Your choices are either stop pvping, or start grouping up. (or git gud that works for us mostly solo players.)


it’s not 5 people it’s normally 10 or more

Again, just because it is Tich doesn’t mean it’s a premade.


they have literal discords made for doing premades lol


A lot of PvPers play on Tichondrius (maybe because a lot of streamers play on it, idk), and people from Tich are probably even more overrepresented in BGs outside of peak NA hours because it’s a west coast realm and has a lot of overseas players (particularly from China and Korea).

My most played characters are on Proudmoore but if I play late with war mode on, it seems like everyone else is from Tichondrius

You went to a baseball game and assumed everyone in the same teams jersey car pooled


wtf that makes no sense at all smh clearly critical thinking is lost on you

I think those glasses are on a little too tight bb

You’re going to talk about people using critical thinking but are going on about discords lol.

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241 realms and they all happen to be from the same one.


I think not!


How many pvpers do you know from gorgonnash and balanazzar?

There’s like 10 realms in wow :confounded:



Your premise isn’t bad, but some realms (like tich) have massive pops compared to others like Uldaman.


I just see names… not realms…


Start looking at realms and you’ll almost never see forgotten coast, alterac mountains, balanzzar, gorgonnash and warsong (the servers i play on that had empty oribos in sl despite being listed as full) x.x

If not for server economies I’d be on all the trash servers for names.


I’m only on stormrage because i got the name battlemaster on it lol. I miss playing on Scryer and being alone in stormwind


Tich is a bad example because it is the single biggest PvP server in the game - and has been since…TBC?

So you will run into a disproportionate amount of tich players because most of tich are die-hard PVPers who will never quit and are typically pretty good. Especially (and now mainly) on horde side. Are we already past the days of “Tich is not for you” ?

Closest thing to it on ally side would be Sargeras.

Biggest premade groups IMO though would be from Proudmoore. I don’t think that server is even capable of solo queue.

All blizz needs to do is make solo queue and problem is solved - premades get their competition, solos get their pickup yolo runs.


It’s hard to prove premade. I often ask if one is present on my team to gauge their prevalence but it always seems we’re just a bunch of randos playing organized teams which isn’t to say they’re not random just overpowering.

Some advantages to a small server, at least before crz. I never had to buy things, they were available if I wanted to farm them. It was a lot easier to find all the pets I need for BM, that sort of thing.

I like to post this. Around 10% of the top 5000 rated pvpers are from tich. It’s not filtered for alts nor recent activity, but still.