Premade problem

I’d rather have an undergeared new player who at least tries than someone who doesn’t and lets the efc run by because they figure “well i can’t solo the efc right this moment so there’s no point slowing them to give the duo on my team those extra 15 seconds to get their cds back, pick the flag before the enemy can cap (because someone in mid slowed the efc) and then kill the efc, get flag return, and speed cap the flag with 40 seconds left for the heroic win against all odds

But nah just gonna keep attacking this other lock in mid because can’t carry warsong nothing else i could do when efc ran by and i didn’t bother putting curse of exhaust on him


Should I not be base sitting on my hunter? Serious question, I have a thing about unguarded bases but no one else seems to guard them now. I was sitting one the other day and we were losing but I was far more effective ranging and charging bases. Part of me felt I sat it too long, they eventually did attack (this camo does nothing!).

I had one the other day, I told him to stick to the healer and CC anyone who attacks him and that’s his job.

I used to have a policy in shadowlands where if someone attacked me with unranked conquest or lower i just kinda let them exist because they werent a threat, but there was this one specific eots where this absolute fly of a literally green quest gear outlaw rogue just wouldn’t get off of me for the entire fight and since then i indiscriminately murder anything that stun bots me now even if they have rez sickness. They gotta go

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if you prefer to spend your time griefing and ruining gaming for others honestly you all deserve a ban lol games aren’t made just to keep you and your “friends” happy there made for everyone get off your high horse and learn to respect other people

really just depends

If you’re not a major factor in the teamfight, sit.

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You sound like you complain about invasions in dark souls and elden ring.


I had this rogue. We’d just capped our second and I ressed and went to our throne room to protect their trying to take ours when a poor rogue didn’t realize disc is a tempting target but for someone else not him. I felt bad, he was really undergeared but wouldn’t leave when I tried to let him. Later my team had a camp set up and I was trying to get away from it so I wouldn’t earn any HKs when the little rogue attacked me. I never struck back, but he kept trying until the time ran out.

That was my error, I just thought we took the base and everyone ran off so I need to hunter sit. Thank you.

Oddly incongruent.

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they’re implying that we aren’t people too :frowning: how rude

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these sorts of posts or threads never emerge about PVE

I mean seriously, imagine calling out mythic raiding or key pumpers for coordinating better than you, just for that sake alone. Idk, is that jealousy? Envy? Both?

Really I think these posters are just demoralized beyond playing the game. As soon as they consider defeat, it becomes reality for them.

The meta for unrated and unregulated play? You sound bonkers

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You sound like you have an unconsidered and biased opinion.

It isn’t ruining it for others because myself and the other 15-20 with me are having a great time.

Just want to point out that premades knowing they exist makes you mad is like ground zero to get camped further.


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Everyone has a biased opinion - it’s part of being human. I want the game to thrive and nurture new players into PvP, you seem pretty keen to torpedo the entire mode for your own enjoyment.

In what sense? By suggesting queues should be better power matched that threatens yours and others play style in such I way I threaten to destroy the game? You mentioned bonkers and I suggested unconsidered, perhaps you might clarify your position?

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Well, godspeed to you if you want to get angry about people not doing objectives lol. You’re setting yourself up for a lifetime of misery.


If BGs feel vastly unwinnable for the average player, they won’t queue. If they feel the game is unbalanced and unfair they won’t queue. If they get relentlessly smashed repeatedly, they won’t queue. If someone told them the only way they can have a chance at “the new meta” for unrated PvP was to make a 5-man, they. Won’t. Queue.

Games need a constant influx of new and returning players to be successful. If PVE participation grows and PVP plummets, where are the resources going to go?

You can 5-man 24/7 but don’t you ever complain about balance or resources in a game you are actively discouraging people from.


I’m a returning player who is leaving soon and I feel exactly this way. I have 3 characters with significant (>20) BG experience since I’ve been back, both factions and roles. What are you saying, pretend it’s OK when it’s not so we don’t scare people from coming back and leaving right away like I did? What is this 5 man stuff? I haven’t grouped at all since early wod.

That’s probably why blizzard has largely ignored battlegrounds and pvp in general. It’s because they can’t balance the game. They probably have the statistics to show for it that most players don’t care for pvp. They can’t make everyone happy, so why cater to the minority group? To them, it’s not about making a great game for everyone; it’s about what demographic they can entice more in order to get more subs.


They just need to make sync qing bannable

Why do you need 20 people to beat 20 randoms. Hardly pvp at that point