Premade problem

You can’t really be sure unless they are from the same guild unfortunately. Which is tough because most hardcore premade groups are community-based and the only connection they have is in disc.


I think I ended up on black dragonflight years ago when I convinced my wife to play. We made a hunter combo names Bonnie and Clyde.

Also got Bob there which is just fun.


And even that’s not a guarantee with big free invite guilds like the move and such

My oasis guild is relatively small and i’ve queued into bgs as a solo player and gotten paired with a couple from my guild i’ve never spoken to and still havent since

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Yeah, there are BGs I know premades prefer, I’ve even seen the same one on different days but I meant there is someone who knows how prevalent they are and can measure their bias on results to determine if it’s an issue, assuming they would find an excessive advantage a problem.

I had a friend who asked what he should name his paladin and he went with my suggestion Caramon, which was available.

Idk about other premades, I just do it cause solo bgs are boring af if I wanted competition id go to rated bgs. the point of a MMO is to make friends and play with them, all the real homies do premade bgs.

Hey I play with guildies too but it’s a stomp; and is fully unfun for everyone else we play against. Anyone who doesn’t think that their pre made is deliberately ruining the fun for the rest of the instance is lying to themselves and if you do it frequently there’s probably a reason you’re not comfortable admitting.


I won’t deny it, But that sounds like a them problem, they’ve got the same tools as I do, and it’s not hard to make friends in an mmo, Hell I get on the forums and say crazy stuff and make friends all the time.

Im pretty sure Tidepodz makes a post a week recruiting for random bgs.

then its the way my friends and i prefer to spend our time.

I think it’s just become the meta, if you can’t adapt maybe you need to move on. If enough move on maybe they’ll fix the issue.

There used to be a time when there was a good reason to premade for a bg. I remember using LFG for normal bg premades and there were a lot of groups for it. I can’t remember why, but I think it had something to do with Honor being a relevant currency.

I don’t understand why a bunch of “good” players would premade a normal bg in the past 3 or 4 expansions. There’s no reward for even winning anymore. And the game is so easy to win as it always results in a gy farm. Like, how is that even fun? Even when I am on the gy farming team it isn’t fun.


You can’t come to the forums and complain about premades. The premade players are all here too. Gotta go to Reddit for that.

Actually you can’t go anywhere on these forums to complain about anything in WoW. All the good discussions happen on Reddit lol.

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honestly, most are not premades from tich, there’s just a lot of pvpers from tich.

moonguard on the other hand should be shut down and anyone with characters on that realm should be perma banned, why know why they all went there and it wasn’t the world pvp scene.

Probably because the average pug has manure for brains, and most of them have zero desire to win, or troll their own team, or don’t participate in the patch or do objectives.


Most teams I suspect of being pugs aren’t really better, just more coordinated. I had one, I thought surely I was top heals at the end of a grueling battle and I noticed a druid and outdone me substantially and was also top dps. It was a bear, lol. We lost, obv.

I personally don’t go into a normal bg with any desire to actually win. Even when I needed conquest for gear. I already know that there’s going to be no teamwork, no communication, possibly a bot on the team, and people with questing greens. I just go in and fool around, and if we’re losing really badly, I’ll just afk out. As much as I like grabbing the berserker and globalling people, I can’t carry an entire game so I won’t even try. If I can just run around and kill people, and we win because of it, cool. If not, cool.

Average PUG has undergeared healers with under 300K health. Preforms don’t bring in undergeared healers and a full preform is going to pretty much guarantee that your team has two geared healers.

The problem with random BGs right now is that there is rarely a balanced matchup between premades.


I do >.> i play my non conquest geared healers and invite anything my friends are on, even 150k frost dks and enhance shamans

So you’re why i have try harder than it should be necessary to win


I think that’s why we play healers, and why we’re both frustrated if we don’t have the right tools. We want to fix what’s wrong. I mean, who defiantly solo queues healer, for years now with some breaks. Someone trying to save the pugs,

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I literally play with random people from the forums everyday who are 1k cr in arena and have half their gear set completed.

Premade people just want someone to talk to lol


I’m the reason you have to try harder? Unless I’m getting trained by a bunch of tryhards in full conquest, I’m usually top 3 on damage and killing blows. Inb4 kills dont matter. Not allowing the other team to play objectives via killing them helps a great deal.

Yea, if you want to win having someone on your team who does no damage, can’t sit a base, and tilts everyone in /i is a hinderance

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