Premade problem

Haha, yes… a good bit can be gleaned from “current segment” details. Overall damage is where things can be misleading.

Well, you know what they say: DKs are only as good as their healer.

Actually, nobody says that. But, they should.

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I didn’t used to care nearly as much about dps’ damage, but ever since blizz has been neutering hpal damage more and more every patch i’ve felt more and more reliant on the players around me to win objectives which is a really unpleasant experience for me :confused:

If some dps werent doing great it didn’t matter as much because my own damage was able to land kills and win objectives, but now i’ll be keeping up two people indefinitely and things aren’t dying and my 20k judgments just get passively healed by every enemy dps having more auto regen than my damage does :sob:

I’m probably the only healer/hpal in the game complaining about damage and being able to be independent but w/e

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Welcome back Jugaa :partying_face:


Thank you!

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Whether on my Horde or my Alliance the only numbers I look at is the score. You need the number generators for sure, not minimizing that, but many many matches are lost by the team with the biggest leaderboard numbers. Also need the objectives and tactics and strategies to get the win.

Imagine believing premades aren’t a thing…

just make lots of alts and afk every premade you run into, working for me


Make sure you wait until 1 minute left to leave.

yeah. it is sad. you see it, just leave immediately. it is no fun. makes no sense.

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I have two characters that I rotate. Sometimes a third but two is usually enough. Just finished a Kul Tiran Druid and deciding if I want to do Highmountain or Zandalari next.

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“just make lots of alts and afk every premade you run into, working for me”

Yep,l that’s what I do. I always have many toons with the deserter buff. :slight_smile:

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Blizzard still hasn’t made the deserter debuff account-wide?

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Do that and make it so a certain percent leave and the BG ends, I bet we’d have a lot less 15-40 man premades.


Nope. I would understand if they did though. But maybe they “understand” the issue as well?

If they did that without stopping premades I would cancel that day. I am not going to sit there and be farmed by losers who come into a casual BG to farm a pug. I’ll desert in a heartbeat and go queue with an alt.

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Yeah, Blizzard should do something about premade raids in random bgs.


No one likes getting farmed. No one wants to go through some kind of hazing ritual to get gear. Add in the items and boosts that create another level of garbage to dig through for a new player and the power disparity becomes even worse.

“Nevah been easier to gear…” fanbois are delusional about the power curve differences between players. If it’s easy, than make it not matter. If skill is the great equalizer, than make more skilled players have to fight with a handicap if they want to get honor points and awards in casual bg’s.

Even rated and competitive play has some gatekeeping for how players are paired up. In casual, it’s just a mess, and it’s no wonder that it’s hard to keep players. You could give players an indefinite ban for leaving, and all it would do is make them not play at all.

Epic BG’s have no rating requirements, and you have very little if any choice on who you team up with. Premades are just the final nail in the coffin. It’s not like Blizzard has done anything visible to make matchmaking better.


In the five months you’ve been whining about a non-existent gear gap, you could have been fully conquest geared by now.

The game should just enforce premade groups queue against other premade groups, and the biggest aggravator (which is not gear, imo) is solved.

Or at the very least, give me the option to not land with a premade when I’m solo queueing, even if the wait ends up being a bit longer - which could not even happen, since it would probably be the go-to option for many people.

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